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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 5, 2023
Halifax, NS, Canada
Looking for some advice. Currently have a basic setup streaming Apple Music lossless from a 2018 Mac mini (3.0 GHz Core i5, 8 GB DDR4) via HDMI to a Marantz SR6011 HT Receiver out to a pair of NHT Classic 4 floor standing mains (as well as the rest of the matching NHT 5.1 set). I use the system mainly for two channel stereo listening but would like to preserve the HT capability.

Have recently been considering upgrading the system, but unsure if the SQ gains would be worth it given my budget ($2-$3K). Considered replacing the mini with a dedicated streamer but leaning towards keeping it. Also considered adding in an integrated stereo amp between the receiver and the mains but again, not sure if this would up my SQ enough to justify given my budget.

Have been planning for room treatments which I am thinking should be at the top of my priority list but I thought I would do a sanity check and get some second opinions before moving in either direction. Perhaps this is a question for a dedicated audio forum but I came across some audio related posts on here and thought you guys might be able to help.

Very new to this beyond the box audio stuff and higher quality streaming in particular. Like everything in life it seems like you can take it to the nth degree and it's rather intimidating for a newbie starting out. Greatly appreciate any and all perspectives.
Interesting question.

This is my set up:-
Apple Music > iPad mini 6 15.6.1 > Apple USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter > 4 metre usb A to B > ADI-2 DAC Fs v51 > QED Reference Audio 40 Phono to phono interconnects > Musical Fidelity M3Si integrated amplifier in power amp mode > 2 metres per channel of QED Original speaker cables> Focal Kanta no 1 speakers

My advice would be to concentrate on the analogue components (including D/A conversion) since that is where you will get the most bang for your buck. So I wouldn’t replace the MacMini, though as you see, I use an IPad which is much more convenient than the Mac mini I used to have.

Unless you have a very ‘ringy’ room, I wouldn’t advise room treatments either as a the science of how sounds behaves in the listening room is very complex, and a lot of money can be spent changing from one mish-mash to another - getting a result that is not particularly better, just different. I spent a lot of time measuring and using Room EQ wizard and setting up the filters in my DAC to get improve things, but it’s debatable whether it’s better or just different.

I would definitely get a better Amp for 2 channel. AV Receivers aren’t the best in this regard. I have a Marantz AVR for Movies and use the pre-amp out to feed into my 2 channel system for front L and R, but I feed into the pre-amp of my integrated amp not the HT input (making sure the volume is always at the place at which I calibrated the system). That’s because I plug the output from my 2 channel DAC straight into the HT input of the integrated amp, meaning I’m just using it as a power amp when listening to music. That made a big difference (by-passing the pre-amp of the integrated amp for 2 channel). BTW my amp has a built in DAC too. I’ve never used it, but it might be an option.

I don’t know the quality of your speakers (not a model I have looked into) but certainly this is a big area for SQ. There is no point having hi-end audio feeding speakers that just can’t reproduce it.

That’s my food for thought, anyway.
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Interesting question.

This is my set up:-
Apple Music > iPad mini 6 15.6.1 > Apple USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter > 4 metre usb A to B > ADI-2 DAC Fs v51 > QED Reference Audio 40 Phono to phono interconnects > Musical Fidelity M3Si integrated amplifier in power amp mode > 2 metres per channel of QED Original speaker cables> Focal Kanta no 1 speakers

My advice would be to concentrate on the analogue components (including D/A conversion) since that is where you will get the most bang for your buck. So I wouldn’t replace the MacMini, though as you see, I use an IPad which is much more convenient than the Mac mini I used to have.

Unless you have a very ‘ringy’ room, I wouldn’t advise room treatments either as a the science of how sounds behaves in the listening room is very complex, and a lot of money can be spent changing from one mish-mash to another - getting a result that is not particularly better, just different. I spent a lot of time measuring and using Room EQ wizard and setting up the filters in my DAC to get improve things, but it’s debatable whether it’s better or just different.

I would definitely get a better Amp for 2 channel. AV Receivers aren’t the best in this regard. I have a Marantz AVR for Movies and use the pre-amp out to feed into my 2 channel system for front L and R, but I feed into the pre-amp of my integrated amp (making sure the volume is always at the place at which I calibrated the system). That’s because I plug the output from my 2 channel DAC straight into the HT input of the integrated amp, meaning I’m just using it as a power amp. That made a big difference (by-passing the pre-amp of the integrated amp for 2 channel). BTW my amp has a built in DAC too. I’ve never used it, but it might be an option.

I don’t know the quality of your speakers (not a model I have looked into) but certainly this is a big area for SQ. There is no point having hi-end audio feeding speakers that just can’t reproduce it.

That’s my food for thought, anyway.

Thanks for the feedback. I was considering a similar setup although not as advanced at this point. I would feed the integrated (which has home theatre bypass) through the pre outs of the receiver for 2 channel. I would need to use the DAC within the Marantz but could upgrade to an external down the road I suppose. The speakers were decent when I purchased them in 2009. They're not well known but hold their own in reviews and testing from what I've read and when I auditioned them (got them as demos from a few options). Hoping to keep them for a while yet.

So you think an integrated amp would be worthwhile? I'm looking at a used Simaudio Moon i-3 right now at what I think is a decent price. As for the room treatment - appreciate the advice from your experience. I don't even have a rug on the laminate floor though so I think at least that is necessary. The room is rather long and large but like you said, maybe it would just alter the sound and not necessarily improve it.
I agree - I think a dedicated stereo amp is the best next step. I don’t know the amp you are looking at, but I would just say to be be open minded and try and listen to a few if you can. I was keen on a couple of amp options but was disappointed when I listened to them (despite their rave reviews), and impressed by the amp the dealer threw in as a wildcard, which I bought having never even heard of it before.

Some soft furnishings in your room might be wise to reduce ring and reflections. I would start with rugs etc before incurring expense on ‘proper’ treatments.

Hope it goes well for you.
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Looking for some advice. Currently have a basic setup streaming Apple Music lossless from a 2018 Mac mini (3.0 GHz Core i5, 8 GB DDR4) via HDMI to a Marantz SR6011 HT Receiver out to a pair of NHT Classic 4 floor standing mains (as well as the rest of the matching NHT 5.1 set). I use the system mainly for two channel stereo listening but would like to preserve the HT capability.

Have recently been considering upgrading the system, but unsure if the SQ gains would be worth it given my budget ($2-$3K). Considered replacing the mini with a dedicated streamer but leaning towards keeping it. Also considered adding in an integrated stereo amp between the receiver and the mains but again, not sure if this would up my SQ enough to justify given my budget.

Have been planning for room treatments which I am thinking should be at the top of my priority list but I thought I would do a sanity check and get some second opinions before moving in either direction. Perhaps this is a question for a dedicated audio forum but I came across some audio related posts on here and thought you guys might be able to help.

Very new to this beyond the box audio stuff and higher quality streaming in particular. Like everything in life it seems like you can take it to the nth degree and it's rather intimidating for a newbie starting out. Greatly appreciate any and all perspectives.
It is worth considering your room first before spending any cash. Put the dimensions of your room into a room node calculator and you'll see where the better/worse positions in your room are. Is there an optimal placement of what you've got that makes an audible differences? Just moving speakers and listening position around can make a serious differences to what you're hearing.

Well placed acoustic treatment(s) do tame the response of the room but where things tend to get messy and expensive is in management of bass frequencies (below 100 Hz). It's really worth chatting to someone who can provide (free) professional advice if you want to tame the low end.

You can also spend your cash on other stuff. I have to say that the latest room compensation (EQ) hardware and software is excellent and can make quite a difference but if you want *perfect* it's always a combination of acoustic treatment and then room compensation (EQ) to get it right. No room is ever *perfect*...harrumph.

I could have summed up that wall of text by saying this: well, it depends on what you're listening to, what kind of room you've got and where you're sitting in the room.
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