Check out this roadmap if you are wondering what die shrink future Apple iPhone/Mac chip will use next.
Excluding my smartphone I replace my devices after the final Security Update to the next model after it. This is typically 8-10 years apart.
So the jump in increased raw performance, increased performance per watt and decrease of power consumption would be very much apparent.
Example would be my future Macs below
- 2012 iMac 27" 22nm > 2023 iMac 27" 5nm > 2034 iMac 27" Angstrom3
- 2011 MBP 13" 32nm > 2021 MBP 16" 5nm > 2031 MBP 16" Angstrom7
This is only practical if your use case largely stays unchanged. Last change to my usage was in 2015. Since then it stayed static.
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