Please tell us after the inauguration in Sept how you are enjoying your apple watch series 3 with LTE.
I have decided to ditch LTE after my 3 month expired and called ATT but they were nice enough to encourage me to keep it and worked out a nice deal for me. Now often when I go out such as restaurants, jogging, basketball games, etc etc i keep my iphone 8 at home (yippee) With the new sensors added to the series there are many altimeter and barometer apps that now take advantage of the series 3. And also the Samsung gear s3 no longer is the top dog anymore.
I have decided to ditch LTE after my 3 month expired and called ATT but they were nice enough to encourage me to keep it and worked out a nice deal for me. Now often when I go out such as restaurants, jogging, basketball games, etc etc i keep my iphone 8 at home (yippee) With the new sensors added to the series there are many altimeter and barometer apps that now take advantage of the series 3. And also the Samsung gear s3 no longer is the top dog anymore.