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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 24, 2020
We have a 60 day limit for users on our network before they need to change their password. Every time a user changes their password, or even if we change it for them on the server, it will eventually uncheck "All user to: log in". This is a very annoying and time consuming problem that we have. Could someone please help us!


Server Information

Version: macOS 10.12.6

Server 5.3.1

Below is a picture example of what I am talking about. After the password has been changed the check box next to "log in" will eventually become unchecked. Then we have to recheck that box and have the user come to our desk to re-type in their new password while we are remoted into the server.

Thanks in advance!
Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 11.30.15 AM.png


  • Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 11.30.15 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 11.30.15 AM.png
    749.5 KB · Views: 131
Every 60 days? That seems really expensive to maintain! Better of using key card access or something along that line!
?? That is standard for a networked workplace. I could really use some help from someone that has some server knowledge. We are wondering if it ia a "glitch" in the software or something we are doing? We have not had this problem in our previous servers.
Have not seen this before. I assume this is for Server-based OD accounts. If so...OD has a storied history of being a bit finicky, and less than rock solid, especially in a large environment (hundreds of users or more).

As has moved away from Server being a traditional may be hard-pressed to find many folks the traditional services like OD.

Long you have a road map on how to move forward? 10.12 is getting long in the tooth. Might be worth putting the time and energy into a new(er) directory tool.
I guess no one else is having this problem?? And there is no fix for it that anyone is aware of?? I guess I will have to find away to contact support from somewhere.
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