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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 8, 2011
I am currently connecting to this RSS feed that I am loading the title fields in the xml to my UItableView. however in the title field each title begins with the word "Preview:" is there any way to omit this word from each of the strings I get back?
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Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
If you have an NSString you can use any of the documented methods. So yes you can edit them (obviously NSString is immutable so you actually create a new object but the effect is the same).


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 8, 2011
Cool, so what I am doing is copying my NSString variable into a NSMutableString temp variable then performing this function I have found

[tempString deleteCharactersInRange: [tempString rangeOfString: @"Preview:"]];

however this dose not work... which is a surprise however I know why. its because of the : at the end of Preview... it works when I remove that from the string but dosn't work when its included. Just wondering How I might get around this? or if there is some special specifier I can put before the : to identify it like you do with "" in C++


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
: is not a special character inside NSStrings. You don't need to escape it. Are you sure that there is no a space between Preview and : or any other issue?


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 8, 2011
Positive here is my NSLog before and after the deleteCharactersInRange: function with "Preview" as the selection I am looking for. If I include the : in the selection I'm looking for the app crashes.

2011-04-08 10:15:10.861 TopSongs[1664:207] Before= Preview: Blue Estate
2011-04-08 10:15:10.862 TopSongs[1664:207] After= : Blue Estate


actually I just tried running with the : included and looked at my NS log.. I think I know what might be the problem.

here is the log.
[Session started at 2011-04-08 10:20:04 +1200.]
2011-04-08 10:20:06.067 TopSongs[1747:207] Before= CBR Previews
2011-04-08 10:20:06.069 TopSongs[1747:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[NSCFString deleteCharactersInRange:]: Range or index out of bounds'
*** Call stack at first throw:
	0   CoreFoundation                      0x00dafbe9 __exceptionPreprocess + 185
	1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00f045c2 objc_exception_throw + 47
	2   CoreFoundation                      0x00d68628 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 136
	3   CoreFoundation                      0x00d6859a +[NSException raise:format:] + 58
	4   Foundation                          0x000a5444 mutateError + 218
	5   TopSongs                            0x00002a23 -[RSSTableViewController parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:] + 220
	6   Foundation                          0x000f1a19 _endElementNs + 453
	7   libxml2.2.dylib                     0x01241e63 xmlParseXMLDecl + 1346
	8   libxml2.2.dylib                     0x0124cb6d xmlParseChunk + 3984
	9   Foundation                          0x000f121a -[NSXMLParser parse] + 321
	10  TopSongs                            0x000027ea -[RSSTableViewController connectionDidFinishLoading:] + 145
	11  Foundation                          0x0005a172 -[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionReallyInternal) sendDidFinishLoading] + 108
	12  Foundation                          0x0005a0cb _NSURLConnectionDidFinishLoading + 133
	13  CFNetwork                           0x0137a606 _ZN19URLConnectionClient23_clientDidFinishLoadingEPNS_26ClientConnectionEventQueueE + 220
	14  CFNetwork                           0x01445821 _ZN19URLConnectionClient26ClientConnectionEventQueue33processAllEventsAndConsumePayloadEP20XConnectionEventInfoI12XClientEvent18XClientEventParamsEl + 293
	15  CFNetwork                           0x01370e3c _ZN19URLConnectionClient13processEventsEv + 100
	16  CFNetwork                           0x01370cb7 _ZN17MultiplexerSource7performEv + 251
	17  CoreFoundation                      0x00d9101f __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 15
	18  CoreFoundation                      0x00cef28b __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 571
	19  CoreFoundation                      0x00cee786 __CFRunLoopRun + 470
	20  CoreFoundation                      0x00cee240 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 208
	21  CoreFoundation                      0x00cee161 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97
	22  GraphicsServices                    0x016e4268 GSEventRunModal + 217
	23  GraphicsServices                    0x016e432d GSEventRun + 115
	24  UIKit                               0x002c742e UIApplicationMain + 1160
	25  TopSongs                            0x00002260 main + 102
	26  TopSongs                            0x000021f1 start + 53
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NSException'

as you can see there is a <title>CBR Previews</title> which doesn't include the Preview: string. I need to figure out how to make an exception for this...

what do you think, think its the problem?
Last edited by a moderator:


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
as you can see there is a <title>CBR Previews</title> which doesn't include the Preview: string. I need to figure out how to make an exception for this...

what do you think, think its the problem?

deleteCharactersInRange: will, quite reasonably, raise an exception if you pass it an invalid range. So don't pass it an invalid range.

Split the call into to and wrap the deleteCharactersInRange: in a condition where you check the NSRange is a valid range in the string.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 8, 2011
cool thanks, yea Was just checking to see how NSRange worked.. glad to see it'll be the solution.

thanks for the help :)
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