The M1 has without doubt shown what is possible, the M1X should progress that leaps and bounds. Will we see software houses that traditionally stick with PC coming to Mac? Doubt it, not any time soon.
In other discussions, I keep seeing the 100m+ mac users and that being big enough numbers to encourage development going forward. But, it's not.
M1 has not been around that long, very few of the 100m+ are on M1. We are unlikely to see sufficient numbers for many years that will make developers show enough interest to make it financially appealing.
That aside Mac has never been seen as a gaming platform. Unlikely the vast majority of existing users would be that interested because it was never a consideration when purchasing a Mac. Of course, there will be those who are, just not enough to push Macs into gaming-relevant devices.
The best hope in the short term is Bootcamp coming back, very unlikely.