You can load up Age of Empires II HD on a Boot Camp drive. I know it isn't ideal to get it set up, but it's really the best way to play once you get it loaded.
You can load up Age of Empires II HD on a Boot Camp drive. I know it isn't ideal to get it set up, but it's really the best way to play once you get it loaded.
AoE 2 HD is what I play with a couple of friends. You don't even need to fire up bootcamp. I play on a Parallels Win 10 VM (13" MBA mid 2013). Works like a charm.
I play AOE on mac using wine and it works well. LAN multiplayer even works between mac & pc.
You can download a wine wrapper here:
and install the windows version on your mac without any hassle. (No VM & no bootcamp necessary)
You can load up Age of Empires II HD on a Boot Camp drive. I know it isn't ideal to get it set up, but it's really the best way to play once you get it loaded.