Hi Macrumors,
Will be upgrading iPad 3 by January and looking for advice. I am looking at a 128GB iPad. I really like the Pro because of the Apple keyboard. It is thin, functional, and out of the way. however, I have been looking at Air 2 because of price point. It is $200 less than the Pro. if I got Air I would get this keyboard, Belkin Ultimate Pro Keyboard Case.
What are people's thoughts. is a non-bluetooth Applease Keyboard that much superior? Is the extra $200 worth the price? While I have a home computer, this would be my everyday main computing device.
Thanks in advance!
I own a 12.9 iPad Pro but my comments will be applicable to the 9.7 Pro.
Keep in mind that in addition to the $200 extra for the iPad Pro (over the Air 2) there is also the $170 for the Apple Smart Keyboard.
Re: Is the iPad Pro worth the $200 more than the iPad Air 2? It's subjective, but comparing them as standalone tablets, my answer is: a qualified
No. The Pro has the same 2GB RAM as the Air 2 and so will most likely have the same lifespan of support as the 9.7 Pro. If the cameras are important to you then that would be something to factor in. If you want to get the ASK and/or Apple Pencil then you don't have an option, you have to get the Pro.
If the Pro had 4GB RAM, I would've said, Yes. I have found the amount of RAM to be the greatest factor in determining how long a lifespan an iOS device will have.
Re: Is Apple Smart Keyboard that much superior? Keyboard feel is highly subjective and personal. You really need to test any keyboard out before committing to it. Having said that, my answer is:
Yes. Not only is the ASK superior to all other iPad keyboards, I find it better than all other keyboards... period. My previous favorite was Microsoft's TypeCover for the Surface 2.
The other thing about the ASK is that it is a COVER... not a CASE. That means if you want to go from a notebook-like experience to a tablet, it is a simple matter of removing the ASK. I have not found a keyboard cover that does a great job of folding back. (Though the Belkin Qode Ultrathin v2 keyboard case that I have for my Air 2 does a pretty decent job of Z-folding back to use as a tablet)
Before getting the 12.9 Pro (it was a killer deal that I couldn't pass up) I had a very nice setup for my 128GB Air 2 and would still be happy using it today if I didn't have the iPP. The Belkin Qode Ultrathin v2 keyboard case and a DotPen stylus and BargainDepot stylus and home-made art glove.