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Jul 17, 2010
Hi Macrumors,

Will be upgrading iPad 3 by January and looking for advice. I am looking at a 128GB iPad. I really like the Pro because of the Apple keyboard. It is thin, functional, and out of the way. however, I have been looking at Air 2 because of price point. It is $200 less than the Pro. if I got Air I would get this keyboard, Belkin Ultimate Pro Keyboard Case.

What are people's thoughts. is a non-bluetooth Applease Keyboard that much superior? Is the extra $200 worth the price? While I have a home computer, this would be my everyday main computing device.

Thanks in advance!
You should wait for the new iPads in early spring, but if you don't want to wait the Air 2 is still a fast tablet on iOS 10 and the iPad Pro 9.7 is not a big upgrade over it unless you want the Smart Keyboard. But it's much more expensive.
More storage and the use of the pen (note taking) would be my interests since I have an iPad Air and am looking for a reason to upgrade as well. Very happy with the logitech keyboard it's been a workhorse.

I also am thinking the Larger screen would be nice on the 12.9 as a full page notepad and for "1 on 1" sales presentations.

Your post made me think about the special connections on the iPad pro - does that supply power to the Keyboard? If so cool - sometimes I run out of juice on the logitech keyboard because I forget to charge it.
If you aren't planning on upgrading till jan then maybe wait for march for the rumoured next gen ipad pros. If you need one now then the 9.7 pro is still a great option
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In the next iteration of the iPad whenever that might be (March/April 2017 or perhaps six months later) do most people think the iPad Pro will cannibalise the iPad Air? Or does Apple need the iPad Air as a mid price/range model?

I've read the rumours about there being three new iPads in the next release and while I imagine these will all have iPad Pro features I'm just wondering is there still going to be space for the iPad Air? In the recent Apple MBP event the executives seem to have stated the new MBP is taking the place of the Macbook Air despite a hefty price difference.

Are we going to see a significant price reduction in the iPad Pro?
In the next iteration of the iPad whenever that might be (March/April 2017 or perhaps six months later) do most people think the iPad Pro will cannibalise the iPad Air? Or does Apple need the iPad Air as a mid price/range model?

I've read the rumours about there being three new iPads in the next release and while I imagine these will all have iPad Pro features I'm just wondering is there still going to be space for the iPad Air? In the recent Apple MBP event the executives seem to have stated the new MBP is taking the place of the Macbook Air despite a hefty price difference.

Are we going to see a significant price reduction in the iPad Pro?

What is this price reduction question on the Pro coming from? Because it simply won't happen.

At best, when the Pro 10.5" hits... Apple may reduce the Pro 9.7" $50 or so. But the Pro line is where Apple is going to concentrate on going forward.

Will we ever see the Air2 updated?......I don't know. Doubtful...but anything can happen.
Hi Macrumors,

Will be upgrading iPad 3 by January and looking for advice. I am looking at a 128GB iPad. I really like the Pro because of the Apple keyboard. It is thin, functional, and out of the way. however, I have been looking at Air 2 because of price point. It is $200 less than the Pro. if I got Air I would get this keyboard, Belkin Ultimate Pro Keyboard Case.

What are people's thoughts. is a non-bluetooth Applease Keyboard that much superior? Is the extra $200 worth the price? While I have a home computer, this would be my everyday main computing device.

Thanks in advance!
I own a 12.9 iPad Pro but my comments will be applicable to the 9.7 Pro.

Keep in mind that in addition to the $200 extra for the iPad Pro (over the Air 2) there is also the $170 for the Apple Smart Keyboard.

Re: Is the iPad Pro worth the $200 more than the iPad Air 2? It's subjective, but comparing them as standalone tablets, my answer is: a qualified No. The Pro has the same 2GB RAM as the Air 2 and so will most likely have the same lifespan of support as the 9.7 Pro. If the cameras are important to you then that would be something to factor in. If you want to get the ASK and/or Apple Pencil then you don't have an option, you have to get the Pro.

If the Pro had 4GB RAM, I would've said, Yes. I have found the amount of RAM to be the greatest factor in determining how long a lifespan an iOS device will have.

Re: Is Apple Smart Keyboard that much superior? Keyboard feel is highly subjective and personal. You really need to test any keyboard out before committing to it. Having said that, my answer is: Yes. Not only is the ASK superior to all other iPad keyboards, I find it better than all other keyboards... period. My previous favorite was Microsoft's TypeCover for the Surface 2.

The other thing about the ASK is that it is a COVER... not a CASE. That means if you want to go from a notebook-like experience to a tablet, it is a simple matter of removing the ASK. I have not found a keyboard cover that does a great job of folding back. (Though the Belkin Qode Ultrathin v2 keyboard case that I have for my Air 2 does a pretty decent job of Z-folding back to use as a tablet)

Before getting the 12.9 Pro (it was a killer deal that I couldn't pass up) I had a very nice setup for my 128GB Air 2 and would still be happy using it today if I didn't have the iPP. The Belkin Qode Ultrathin v2 keyboard case and a DotPen stylus and BargainDepot stylus and home-made art glove.
I own a 12.9 iPad Pro but my comments will be applicable to the 9.7 Pro.

Keep in mind that in addition to the $200 extra for the iPad Pro (over the Air 2) there is also the $170 for the Apple Smart Keyboard.

Re: Is the iPad Pro worth the $200 more than the iPad Air 2? It's subjective, but comparing them as standalone tablets, my answer is: a qualified No. The Pro has the same 2GB RAM as the Air 2 and so will most likely have the same lifespan of support as the 9.7 Pro. If the cameras are important to you then that would be something to factor in. If you want to get the ASK and/or Apple Pencil then you don't have an option, you have to get the Pro.

If the Pro had 4GB RAM, I would've said, Yes. I have found the amount of RAM to be the greatest factor in determining how long a lifespan an iOS device will have.

Re: Is Apple Smart Keyboard that much superior? Keyboard feel is highly subjective and personal. You really need to test any keyboard out before committing to it. Having said that, my answer is: Yes. Not only is the ASK superior to all other iPad keyboards, I find it better than all other keyboards... period. My previous favorite was Microsoft's TypeCover for the Surface 2.

The other thing about the ASK is that it is a COVER... not a CASE. That means if you want to go from a notebook-like experience to a tablet, it is a simple matter of removing the ASK. I have not found a keyboard cover that does a great job of folding back. (Though the Belkin Qode Ultrathin v2 keyboard case that I have for my Air 2 does a pretty decent job of Z-folding back to use as a tablet)

Before getting the 12.9 Pro (it was a killer deal that I couldn't pass up) I had a very nice setup for my 128GB Air 2 and would still be happy using it today if I didn't have the iPP. The Belkin Qode Ultrathin v2 keyboard case and a DotPen stylus and BargainDepot stylus and home-made art glove.

Thanks for the incisive feedback, sracer
This biggest foist perpetrated on iPad owners was the notion that the Pro 9.7" was an meaningful upgrade for anyone who didn't need the new functionality of the Apple Pencil.

Sure, the better camera and speakers were nice to have...but not at the cost of the much higher price. If you paid sticker price for the Pro 9.7" and weren't going to add/use the bought into the hype.

(You're an Apple dupe. Ha, ha, ha, ha.)

If money were no worries then.

The Pro 12.9" at least had the USB3 and the 4gb RAM...the Pro 9.7" was a case of "the emperor's new clothes" if you weren't pairing it with the pencil.
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THough the Pencil is exactly what I want the Pro 9.7 for. Note taking and Lightroom CC-based photo editing.

This biggest foist perpetrated on iPad owners was the notion that the Pro 9.7" was an meaningful upgrade for anyone who didn't need the new functionality of the Apple Pencil.

Sure, the better camera and speakers were nice to have...but not at the cost of the much higher price. If you paid sticker price for the Pro 9.7" and weren't going to add/use the bought into the hype.

(You're an Apple dupe. Ha, ha, ha, ha.)

If money were no worries then.

The Pro 12.9" at least had the USB3 and the 4gb RAM...the Pro 9.7" was a case of 'the emperor's new clothes' if you weren't pairing it with the pencil.
THough the Pencil is exactly what I want the Pro 9.7 for. Note taking and Lightroom CC-based photo editing.

Your use case - needed an iPad that supported the Pencil - is correct then.

I'm talking about users who knew they were not going to pair the pencil with the Pro 9.7" and who paid full sticker price. If you bought the Pro 9.7" on sale, that is justifiable somewhat.
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This biggest foist perpetrated on iPad owners was the notion that the Pro 9.7" was an meaningful upgrade for anyone who didn't need the new functionality of the Apple Pencil.

Sure, the better camera and speakers were nice to have...but not at the cost of the much higher price. If you paid sticker price for the Pro 9.7" and weren't going to add/use the bought into the hype.

(You're an Apple dupe. Ha, ha, ha, ha.)
I don't care about the pencil but I bought the Pro 9.7. I wanted 256GB.

Different people have different priorities. I really don't get the pigeonholing that the only reason to get the Pro model is for the pencil.

Granted, I usually recommend the Air 2 for most acquaintances who ask for advice. They're more budget-minded about tech and prefer to spend their money on other stuff. For the most part, I find that if you have to ask, the Air 2 is probably the better option. People who should get the Pro 9.7 already know why they're getting it and what features are worth the price premium for them.
if I got Air I would get this keyboard, Belkin Ultimate Pro Keyboard Case.

Go to the Apple Store and try the Smart keyboard out on the iPad Pro 9.7". If you prefer it much more over the Belkin keyboard case (also consider that it is significantly lighter unless you add a back case to the iPad Pro as well), then it is the better choice.

However as @rui no onna already mentioned, for the vast majority of users not needing the Pencil or 256GB, the iPad Air 2 is more than adequate.
I don't care about the pencil but I bought the Pro 9.7. I wanted 256GB.

Different people have different priorities. I really don't get the pigeonholing that the only reason to get the Pro model is for the pencil.

Granted, I usually recommend the Air 2 for most acquaintances who ask for advice. They're more budget-minded about tech and prefer to spend their money on other stuff. For the most part, I find that if you have to ask, the Air 2 is probably the better option. People who should get the Pro 9.7 already know why they're getting it and what features are worth the price premium for them.

And if 256gb capacity was your need, there is your justification. You need go no further. :)

I'm singling out users that didn't need the pencil support or the added 256gb capacity, that had an Air2 already...who then bought the Pro at full price. They spent unwisely.

At least wait for a sale.
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And if 256gb capacity was your need, there is your justification. You need go no further. :)

I'm singling out users that didn't need the pencil support or the added 256gb capacity, that had an Air2 already...who then bought the Pro at full price. They spent unwisely.

At least wait for a sale.
I understood exactly what you meant without you having to explain each feature the iPad Pro has over the iPad Air 2. :p

But I also hold the same opinion. There was really no reason to buy the iPad Pro over the iPad Air 2 if you were going to use the iPad Pro the same way you'd use the iPad Air 2. And if anyone tried to counter with a longevity argument (if the Pro even lasts longer than the Air 2), well the $200 you would save on the iPad Air 2 could be put toward upgrading even sooner.
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I understood exactly what you meant without you having to explain each feature the iPad Pro has over the iPad Air 2. :p

But I also hold the same opinion. There was really no reason to buy the iPad Pro over the iPad Air 2 if you were going to use the iPad Pro the same way you'd use the iPad Air 2. And if anyone tried to counter with a longevity argument (if the Pro even lasts longer than the Air 2), well the $200 you would save on the iPad Air 2 could be put toward upgrading even sooner.

I'll have you know...if the Pro 12.9" v2 isn't up to snuff, I'm prepared to wait even longer. And I'm being completely serious when I say that.

So if the battery is only so-so, I'm not rushing to buy it. Hopefully, Apple will include a more powerful charger.

When I do retire this iPad2, I will be sorry to do it. Without question, the best IT purchase I ever bought. (Second best IT purchase was my NAS.) And while I wait, my AMEX rewards piles up.

It will be sweet to spend it on the iPad...did I ever tell you that the iPad2 was also purchased (in part) the same way. Ironic!
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Since OP is waiting until January, it would be wise to see what rumors are around at the time. Right now there are none, aside from a potential March/April event. Whether that's for iPads, we don't know for sure.

Between the two, I'd say find a good deal on the Pro. If there's an event and more rumors come out on ipads? Yeah. Hold off a month or two and see what comes out. Otherwise, snag a deal on a pro. It's a faster device with great accessories. RAM is lacking, but even so, it's an improvement over the Air 2.
Thanks everyone for your time to write. It was really informative. The funny thing is that during this thread the refurb Air 2s went like hot cakes on Apples website.

I have used the Apple Keyboard and have to say that I love it. STill may go Belkin Quodo Pro though just because it saves me $250 at the end of the day but the Apple keyboard just works and is tempting. Then again, $250 is too ;)

I think I'll see what Black Friday and holiday shopping sales bring and possibly bite then. I may not do that wait and see in March game. I've done that too many times with Apple just to realize there were no real bumps and I could have been enjoying a faster device all along. Thanks again all so much great information.
Ok. Checking in about Black Friday. I now have a 9.7 Pro 128GB that I grabbed at Target for $550 and an Air 2 128 GB I grabbed for $374 online at Best Buy. If I stick with Pro I will get the Apple keyboard which will total $690 and if I stick with the Air 2 I will get the QUODO Pro which will total me at about $500.

Given this and the fact I don't want to wait till March, been there done that, and with all the feedback on this thread I am thinking of just going with the Air 2 and saving that $200 toward my next iPhone. That is unless anyone here has any last words of wisdom. Thanks again.
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Ok. Checking in about Black Friday. I now have a 9.7 Pro 128GB that I grabbed at Target for $550 and an Air 2 128 GB I grabbed for $374 online at Best Buy. If I stick with Pro I will get the Apple keyboard which will total $690 and if I stick with the Air 2 I will get the QUODO Pro which will total me at about $500.

Given this and the fact I don't want to wait till March, been there done that, and with all the feedback on this thread I am thinking of just going with the Air 2 and saving that $200 toward my next iPhone. That is unless anyone here has any last words of wisdom. Thanks again.
Hard question to answer, as nobody here but you knows how much $200 means to you. For some that is a fortune and for others it's one dinner.

Obviously the pro is better, but my iPad Air 2 turns 2 today and remains a terrific performer for content consumption and even light creation. I don't think you'll be disappointed with the air 2 if that's what you end up keeping.
Hard question to answer, as nobody here but you knows how much $200 means to you. For some that is a fortune and for others it's one dinner.

Obviously the pro is better, but my iPad Air 2 turns 2 today and remains a terrific performer for content consumption and even light creation. I don't think you'll be disappointed with the air 2 if that's what you end up keeping.
I have money but I would never spend $200 on a single dinner. :|
This biggest foist perpetrated on iPad owners was the notion that the Pro 9.7" was an meaningful upgrade for anyone who didn't need the new functionality of the Apple Pencil.

Sure, the better camera and speakers were nice to have...but not at the cost of the much higher price. If you paid sticker price for the Pro 9.7" and weren't going to add/use the bought into the hype.

(You're an Apple dupe. Ha, ha, ha, ha.)

If money were no worries then.

The Pro 12.9" at least had the USB3 and the 4gb RAM...the Pro 9.7" was a case of "the emperor's new clothes" if you weren't pairing it with the pencil.

I kind of agree here although everyone has their own take on it. The Pro really needed to have that extra RAM but didn't get it. Kind of lame but Apple is always stingy with RAM so this wasn't too surprising. I'm still holding out with my Air 1 to see what happens this spring. Still works great so it's hard to justify and upgrade for me either way.
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The more I thought about it, the more I realized how similar the 9.7" Pro and Air 2 are. Sure the Pro has the True Tone display and support for the Apple Pencil, but fundamentally they're quite comparable. The screens are the same resolution, the dimensions are the same, processing power is similar due to the Air 2 having a tri-core processor, both have 2GB RAM.

In day to day the Pro 9.7 doesn't really "outperform" the Air 2, which is why the Air 2 for $200 less is where my money went this Black Friday. $374 for the 128GB Air 2 is solid. And I had a $100 Target gift card and a REDcard which sweetened the deal even more.
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