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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 30, 2018
Perhaps another bug with the latest update:

AW4 syncs with iPhone when setting phone to airplane mode, but no longer syncs when turning airplane mode off on iPhone.

Checked all settings, reset, etc. Does not work.

Seems like the new update has had more than its fair share of bugs.

Sounds like the "C" Team at Apple was in charge of final testing before release of this one.


macrumors 603
Apr 21, 2012
Of course it won’t. The watch is in airplane is it meant to know the phone is back ‘online’ again?

Edit: to add, my watches have never turned off airplane mode automatically when I turn it off on my phones. Am sure this is expected behaviour? It’s been mentioned here often as well.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 30, 2018
Of course it won’t. The watch is in airplane is it meant to know the phone is back ‘online’ again?

Edit: to add, my watches have never turned off airplane mode automatically when I turn it off on my phones. Am sure this is expected behaviour? It’s been mentioned here often as well.

I'm unaware of this as a past issue; searched all over here and elsewhere and found nothing.

I fly almost every week, and have been using my AW since I picked it up around the holidays. I have never noticed it not syncing with my iPhone both ways.

Certainly not expected; this is in my experience a new behavior.

If this had been an on-going issue, would not the expected be that Apple fixed this bug by now?


macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2013
North Vancouver
I have always had to manually turn off airplane mode on the apple watch and it will stay in the departure time zone until I manually switch the watch separately from the phone.

In the general settings "Aiplane Mode" - I have mirror iPhone activated - but I still have always needed to turn the watch back on manually

In the settings it does kind of imply that it should toggle with the iPhone setting - but it does not actually say it will enable the watch - not very clear

Pershap some other members can confirm if it should come back on with the iPhone? "Mirror" iPhone should mean on and off?


macrumors 68000
Jul 2, 2008
It's completely logical that neither device would know to come back "online" if the other is taken out of airplane mode, thus requiring manual user intervention to do so.

However, with the way Apple changed the way the Bluetooth and Wi-fi toggles work in iOS 11's Control Center, where they're not truly disabled (and Wi-fi can even re-enable itself), one could be forgiven for being confused, or having doubt about the way things actually work.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2010
How is the Watch meant to know? It’s disconnected from everything in Airplane mode.


I know when I switch to Airplane mode my bluetooth and wifi stays on. So why does bluetooth and wifi turn off on the AW when Airplane mode is on. That is one way Airplane mode can sync.

Apple needs to fix this.
It's completely logical that neither device would know to come back "online" if the other is taken out of airplane mode, thus requiring manual user intervention to do so.

However, with the way Apple changed the way the Bluetooth and Wi-fi toggles work in iOS 11's Control Center, where they're not truly disabled (and Wi-fi can even re-enable itself), one could be forgiven for being confused, or having doubt about the way things actually work.

But wifi and bluetooth don't go off in airplane mode. I have no problems continuing to listen to music via bluetooth or connecting to plane wifi when flight attendants tell us to enable airplane mode.


macrumors 68000
Jul 2, 2008
But wifi and bluetooth don't go off in airplane mode. I have no problems continuing to listen to music via bluetooth or connecting to plane wifi when flight attendants tell us to enable airplane mode.

Airplane mode, by definition, shuts off all radios to comply with the radio silence directive from your friendly cabin attendants.

Yet, another change Apple made in iOS 11 was to allow users to re-enable BT and Wi-fi when Airplane mode is activated by toggling them back on, with that mode still in effect -- and it retains those settings during subsequent use.

The whole point is that with iOS 11, Apple turned a bunch of what appeared to be simple on/off switches into something different, and highly likely to lead to confusion.

This whole discussion is evident of that, and the mixed paradigms where radios are supposed to be turned off, but still connect to some things is disingenuous, especially when the one exception is keeping an iPhone and Watch in sync!
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