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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
So I'm having an issue with Airplay on my 6 Plus. If I turn on Airplay to my Apple TV, and then play music from say, Spotify, it's fine. If I swap over to Shazam to find a tag, it will stop Airplay but continue playing music from the phone. If I turn Airplay back on to my Apple TV, it will then automatically mirror the screen of the iPhone, but the option to disable mirroring is not available under the Airplay menu.


Edit - even after disabling Airplay, it will still Airplay photos if I view them on the iPhone screen.

Clarification - I'm running 8.0.2, music will be playing via Airplay to my ATV / Home Theater - while playing, when I swap apps, music stops playing via Airplay but continues on the phone - once I turn Airplay back on, it mirrors without me specifying and I have no way to turn off mirroring.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2011
Are you running the latest AppleTV OS? Airplay on 6.0 was super unreliable. On 7.0, I haven't had any issues at all. The new UI also looks like iOS now, which is a plus.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Are you running the latest AppleTV OS? Airplay on 6.0 was super unreliable. On 7.0, I haven't had any issues at all. The new UI also looks like iOS now, which is a plus.

Yes I am. Not a fan of the new look. It's been rock solid for me on 7. 8 is full of bugs and sadness.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 20, 2011
Oh yea, another bug - unrelated to my current post, but worth mentioning. iOS 7 was fine in my car, my HTC One M8 was fine 99% of the time in my car - glitched once in a while, but otherwise fine, but when music is playing on my 6+ and I get a phone call sometimes the music keeps playing during the phone call and I have to hang up, stop the music, then call back. Never have had that issue on any other iOS version in my car, or Android version.


No.. the software on your AppleTV. The latest is AppleTV 7.0.

Yes, I know. It's all flat looking now. It's running the latest version. So I guess you could say on 6 it was fine for me, 7 isn't.
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