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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 15, 2013
I’ve owned a pair of Space Gray AirPods Max since the day they launched and have noticed a few issues. I want to see if other people have experienced them (which would indicate a software issue) or if my pair are a dud (in which case I’ll try replacing them).

1. Often when switching between devices, the pop-up notifying me that my iPhone/iPad is connected to the headphones shows a white pair instead of the Space Gray ones. I’d say it happens roughly 1 in 5 times or so.
2. Every couple of days, the headphones will start skipping and cutting off, forcing me to do a reset (holding both buttons until the orange LED blinks).

Is anyone else experiencing these issues?
I also have SG and sometimes on the iphone the white pair show up randomly, on both mine and my wife's pair (also SG). So I don't think your pair is a "dud." I have the skipping on occasion, but rarely. I usually take them off and put them back on and it seems to resume normal playback.
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Finally someone else has my exact same issue. I sure hope it’s just a firmware issue. Crossing fingers an update will fix it.
SG owner here... can’t say that I’ve experienced that. I have had several other software-related hiccups, though. Irritating part of them being ”smart” headphones, I guess... waiting for updates.
I think apple fixed this issue on Big Sur 11.2. Just updated and haven't had an issue at all with my APM. I believe it was for all the new M1 Macs.
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