I bought a pair for $449 from AMZN recently. The looming update made me pause, but I have a long trip coming up and wanted them for the flights. More importantly they do what I want so I don't think an upgrade would matter all that much. I've been happy with my AirPods Gen 2 (same reason). My advice - if you like the product and price, it's fine just to pull the trigger.
At $449 they are still more expensive than other competitive options. But only by ~$100. For that the integration in the Apple ecosystem was enough for me to pay the premium. Overall I'm happy with them, but they aren't w/o flaws. The case is weird but doesn't bother me. They're a bit bulky/heavy but maybe that's a trade off for the sound. The sound quality is off the chart. Almost too good for some Audible books because they expose the flaws in the recording.