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macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 18, 2008
So this morning as I was listening to some music my left AirPod made a weird screeching noise and stopped working altogether. I’ve tried to reset the AirPods to no avail. The light on the case blinks green and show the red exclamation mark for the left pod. Does anyone have any ideas? Otherwise they’re going back to Apple tonight. Judging by the reports I doubt that my store will have any replacements available so I‘ve just ordered some from Best Buy as they show them shipping 11/6.
I’ve owned the Airpods 1 and 2, and never had any issues like this with those, FWIW.

Did you also try resetting the phone? On the first day that I got my AirPods Pro, the noise cancellation stopped working after 10 minutes. I tried forgetting/reconnecting them several times, to no avail. A reset of the phone did the trick though, and now they work great.
Also, if you do end up returning them, sometimes Apple Stores keep a stock of replacement units that aren’t for sale, but are reserved for cases like yours.
Good luck!
Does anyone have any ideas?
My idea is that it is broken. You should take it up with Apple. I doubt they will accept a broken item as a return. They will replace it. If you buy from Best Buy you will end up with two sets.
Did you also try resetting the phone? On the first day that I got my AirPods Pro, the noise cancellation stopped working after 10 minutes. I tried forgetting/reconnecting them several times, to no avail. A reset of the phone did the trick though, and now they work great.
Also, if you do end up returning them, sometimes Apple Stores keep a stock of replacement units that aren’t for sale, but are reserved for cases like yours.
Good luck!
It’s the same from my iPhone, iPad or Mac. Don’t know how a Reset would work and I’m not really keen on setting everything up again from scratch. I’ll see what Apple says.
Yup i’m having this issue as well. It’s been three days like this now and no solution. I’ve tried all the basic troubleshooting too.
I will just be returning them and sticking to my gen 1 until they die on me.
I don’t know if this helps but this morning my left side started to have a weird screechy sound. I disconnected and reconnected didn’t help. But after a reset (press the button on the back and reconnect) all fine.
I don’t know if this helps but this morning my left side started to have a weird screechy sound. I disconnected and reconnected didn’t help. But after a reset (press the button on the back and reconnect) all fine.
I tried all the recommended resets and stuff. Nothing worked for me.
Stuff happens. No company actually checks every device for quality assurance. One or two in a batch might be defective. Just get it fixed for free
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