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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 10, 2011
For those of you who own both can you tell me some of the differences? I currently own some pros and am considering the max. Thanks in advance!
I agree sound quality on the Max are much better and IMO more comfortable to wear. The AirPods Pro tend to get uncomfortable after a while. For going to the gym, Zoom meets or just being outside I would use the AirPods Pro. Everything else AirPods Max including watching movies.
I also own both. I use the AirPods Pro only outside. When at home I only use my AirPods Max which I love. The sound quality is much better when using the AirPods Max. The AirPods Max tend to become uncomfortable though, especially after using them for two or more hours.
Have both. Use the pros for workouts, although now use the max when I go on walks. Use the pros for calls at work, but at home use the max and for all other use cases use the max. The sound quality for me is night and day, the ma1x are that much better. Can’t imagine not having them now. For serious/critical listening and recording I use me senn hd820. But even they are getting less use now that I have the max.
Airpods pro are much more convenient, lighter and perfect for exercise. The Airpods Max have higher sound quality, are much more comfortable (in my opinion), and really aren't made for too much mobile use.
In conclusion, the APM look cooler, are more comfortable, sound better, but arent as portable as the pro.
I have both, and I prefer the Max. It is really up to personal preference and situational too. I just prefer over ear headphones.
Two very different devices, I have both. APP for mobile listening outdoors and in bed (pillows and headphones are not compatible). APM for almost everything else that I listen to via Apple devices.

However if I only could choose one, I’d go with the APP, because they’re useful absolutely everywhere. I have better wired headphones so the APMs are an extra luxury.
AirPods max - heavy, uncomfortabe clamping on my glasses , sound is better but I don’t really care that much about the difference in sound which isn’t that much for me (I usually listen to YouTube videos and podcasts anyways ) . Transparency and noise cancelling the same .less convenient and I wouldn’t want to wear them outside . Longer battery life. Make your ears hot .

pros : light , convenient , can throw in my bag quickly . I use them for everything , workout , in bed while I am laying down . When I am studying. They sound excellent (but not better then maxes is what people say ) . More comfortable then the max . Have some sort of waterproof rating so you can wear them if it’s lightly drizzling or if you are sweating
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I like my APPs but can’t get them to stay in more than 10 minutes without adjusting them. Had them more than a year and tried a number of solutions. Some day I am going to lose one permanently. Looking forward to the APMs.
For those of you who own both can you tell me some of the differences? I currently own some pros and am considering the max. Thanks in advance!
I'm still waiting for the APM that I've ordered; but I'll give you my line of thinking anyways.

For me the APM weren't an obvious choice to buy at first; primarily because I felt like I in no way could justify that price for that product.

However, when I looked at all the features, then it came down to that if they work then they will make my life better in a way that no other product can. So to me they would be worth the cost; and I have to buy/try them before I can rule them out, so I ordered a pair (technically I've ordered three pairs, from three sources).

What's very relevant here is that I often set up office in public places like cafes or coworking centres, because I love having people around me; but I'm also a bit of an introvert, and feel like I have no filters whatsoever when it comes to incoming stimulus, so I like to muffle the world around me when I need to focus.

Jokingly I'd say that it's a pain being me trying to efficiently get stuff done; but it's not like I need "medical grade" earplugs or anything. The APP are great, and before the pros I sometimes used

But… The pros sometimes move a bit so they need readjusting, especially when snacking while working, and there's always that desire for them to block out a little bit more when there are noisy kids around; and they just don't give that obvious "I can't/don't want to hear you so stay away"-vibe. 😆

During video calls I've also had people say that they either don't like the sound, or can't hear me well enough; which might just be a mix of my beard and me not wanting to be one of those yelling-while-on-the-phone-in-public people.

Overall I just think that the Maxes could take what I like about the Pros, and up that a step; which makes them a legitimate work tool, which makes the price tag a bit more tolerable.

Only way of knowing is to buy them; and even if I were to have to sell them at a loss I know that to be a very small loss compared with the potential gain if they work for me like I think they will.
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