I've had the Dash for over a month, Elite Sport about a month and Airpods were delivered today.
Only tested the Airpods for less than 5 minutes. They're the easiet and quickest to pair out of all 3. Easy to switch from one iPhone to another (tested on my iPhone 7 and daughters 6s). Kind of fumbled around trying to take it out of the case, i thought they were supposed to pop out?
As you can see in the photo, the sleekest carrying case.
They fit well and I'm VERY surprised by how secure they fit in my ears. Shaked my head a few times and it didn't come off flying. By far the most comfortable out of the 3.
Still getting used to tapping the Airpods to summon Siri. Successful about 1/3 of the time. Found the Dash easier to control, may just need more practice with the Airpods. Tried airplane mode to simulate Siri offline, the double tap play pause worked okay.
The Airpods were lacking in audio quality compared to the other two. I haven't used stock earbuds since the original iPhone. Not used to the lack of seal with the Airpods, I could see why there's no need for audio transparency (unlike the Dash and Elite Sport). Which may be good since that means i may be able to get away with using both buds while trail running. It looks like I can use one Airpod at a time if I need to.
Very curious to see if they'll still stay in the ears even with running on technical terrain. I was hoping to test them out while trail running this weekend unfortunately it looks like we're going to get some rain and possibly snow.. so that's most likely a no go.
I don't know how the Airpods will perform when I'm out running in wilderness where signal is spotty. I often skip songs and rewind, adjust the volume.. I don't want to have to look down on my wrist (Garmin) to do that. Connectivity wise so far the Airpods seem to fare better (more range).
I think I'll keep the Airpods as a backup pair..or for just using around the house/office.
For workouts though I will still use the Dash and Elite Sport. Don't have to worry about sweat/water resistance, easier to access playback controls even with data offline.