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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 5, 2011
So Ive been using my Airport Express for several years now, I purchased my Airport Express in like 2010. Its been working perfectly, no issues. Well lately my iPhone sometimes has issues streaming video when on wifi (I have to take wifi off to properly view the video), my Apple TVs (Some 3rd and some 4th gen)sometimes freeze up or tells me its about 4 hours wait to stream a movie from iTunes. Could it be the Airport Express or my service provider? I have contacted Verizon, and apparently everything is good on their end. Has anybody had any of the same problems?
Could it be the Airport Express or my service provider? I have contacted Verizon, and apparently everything is good on their end. Has anybody had any of the same problems?

If you are using a 2010 AirPort Express model then it is a possibility that with the HD video streams of today it is merely underpowered. That being said, I recommend that you run a speed test to determine whether the ISP is putting out full speeds. Try running from behind both the modem and your Express and compare the results.
If you are using a 2010 AirPort Express model then it is a possibility that with the HD video streams of today it is merely underpowered. That being said, I recommend that you run a speed test to determine whether the ISP is putting out full speeds. Try running from behind both the modem and your Express and compare the results.

So I did a little experiment and ran speedtests on three different devices. They where all done with the same speedtest service. Any idea why the numbers would be so off on all three devices?

Macbook Pro: Download - 55 mbps, Upload - 60 mbps
iPhone 6: Download - 13 mbps, Upload - 7.45 mbps
Apple TV : Download - 20 mbps, Upload - 20 mbps
Look at the spectrum. Perhaps now you are receiving some noise from your neighbors and need to change to a different channel?

Interference from a "rouge ip" can drastically affect throughout.
What do you mean? All the speed tests where done using the airport Extreme as my source of wifi.

Try connecting a computer right to the modem and testing multiple times. If you get a wide range of results then you know the ISP is the root cause of the problem. If you only see varied results from clients connected to the AirPort then you either have an interference issue or the AirPort is acting up.
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