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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 25, 2016
Hi All

I built a new house for my family 1 year back. I already have 2 Airport Express Base Stations and wished I could get a new AirPort Extreme.

Some Internet research advised me to wait for a new generation. But it seems that Apple has decided to stay with the 3rd Generation.

Would you advice me to wait for a new generation or buy the current generation as my primary wifi router?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2013
If you built your own house I assume you ran CAT5/6 cable around the house. In which case you could simply use the airport expresses to give you the wireless coverage you need.

I don't think the airport extremes are likely to be anywhere near the best wifi routers going either these days. They are quite old now.
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I wouldn't buy a new Airport now.
As Coastal posts above, they are no longer being developed. Kind of a "dead end", even though they continue to work.

New house?
With ethernet?

I'd suggest you consider one of the new "mesh" type systems, such as:
- eero
- google wifi
- ubiquiti
- netgear orbi (not yet a true "mesh", but similar)

eero and google wifi can do ethernet "backhaul", the orbi has a third, dedicated wifi channel to handle that.

Lots of reviews on these.
Check reviews and Q&A's on amazon, as well.

I'm still on an older Airport Extreme, will probably move to the Orbi by April or May...
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