... and I still love the machine. No issues whatsoever. Battery is fine, keyboard is fine, the touch bar is fine, overall stability is fine and last but not least the ports are fine. Who else loves their machine?
We got a couple in at work, and though I'm not sold on the touch bar, I do love everything else about the machine. I think the keyboard is a better feel than on my 2016 rMB, the screen is amazing, and of course the build/form factor are tops. I think the touch bar is gimmicky, and I hope its something that may eventually get fazed out, or Apple at least offers the 15" non-touch bar option.
I find myself hitting the ESC key a lot with my work so that would bother me, but there's a few at work I mess around with and agree that they are absolutely sweet machines.Count me in ... Amazing machine... Not sold on the touch bar though. Doesn't bother me (well, the missing physical ESC key does) but I don't think it adds anything substantial. I would swap mine for a no-touch bar 15'' if I had such an option.
Those who also used an iMac retina, how do you find the day to day zippyness (not raw processing performance) on MBP 2016 15-inch compared to the iMac?
Can I attach the power cord from the old (2010) MBP charger to the new charger brick and use it, or will doing so result in me causing an explosion leveling the whole apartment building, or worse? Yeah, laugh away.