Still not a good fix.
Personally, I think you should get some DJ equipment or apps to really DJ. Check out DJay (more simple but hella effective) or Traktor, Seratto, (both for spinning and mixing tracks, Serrato being better) and I personally use Ableton Live (WAY more techy but AMAZING)... But thats besides the point, I just think you all will be way happier with a dedicated DJ app rather than bouncing around Q-time or VLC windows..... Thats gotta suck.... So yeah, try em out.
For realsies though.... I want to route all my music apps (Live, Reason, Traktor, even iTunes) out my Firewire audio interface, and have all my system sounds out the built in speakers on my MBP. This way i dont get some loud Mail sound or internet sounds and **** thru my huge speakers and blowing my ears apart, especially due to the fact that many web jingles and soundbytes arent mastered.... of course if I was listening to web based music, I can easily turn Chrome or Safari or FFox to the Firewire interface.
Still no option for this as far as I have seen and its totally retarded that detour is discontinued, and not ported to Intel based systems, ESPECIALLY that there is no competitive app to do so. Rouge Amoeba FAIL!!!!!