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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 25, 2013
The Netherlands
Is there an alternative to Apple's USB-C charger for the 2016 rMBP?

I like to have a couple of chargers, which I'll leave at my parents house, my client, my home office, etc. I'm not looking for nameless cheap stuff, but I don't want to spend lots of money on a handful of official Apple chargers either.


macrumors 6502
Mar 31, 2004
Tampa, FL
In these early days, I'd buy the extra power adapters from Apple directly, especially after these recent revelations about poor third-party adapter quality. Maybe just buy one extra for now.

Once people play guinea pig and work out what third-party adapters provide adequate and reliable power, then consider the third-parties if you need additional adapters.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 25, 2013
The Netherlands
So I was looking at an additional power supply, turns out that unlike magsafe, you actually need to
A) buy a separate DC charger cable and
B) get a long power cord separately if you like that one better than a duck head

Oh my...


macrumors 6502a
Sep 9, 2009
So I was looking at an additional power supply, turns out that unlike magsafe, you actually need to
A) buy a separate DC charger cable and
B) get a long power cord separately if you like that one better than a duck head

Oh my...

You may not need a full 60-80w charger but rather a "travel" charger that will trickle charge at night or keep the battery going (w/o going down) during the day.

I'm still waiting for reviews but my guess is any good 29-45w charger will do, like the ones for the retina MB
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