Sorry to start a thread like this but i seem to be just about the only person that is not happy with the HomePod's sound quality, so i want to see if there are other people out their like me.
I find the sound very muffled and choked as if it is struggling to get out. This could be to do with everything being incased in a plastic tube. I also find the bass very over powering and forced, what i call false bass, though i am no expert with the correct terminology. Add them both together and i if find the HP very unsatisfying to listen to, in fact i dislike it quite a lot and cant wait to say Hey Siri stop.
Everywhere you look the HP is getting rave reviews about how good the sound quality is, so i am wondering if i have a faulty unit.
I have checked my production date and it is early November 2017, so mine must be a very early production model, i am wondering if this could make a difference and later production models may sound better for whatever reason.
I have mine placed in the open on a sideboard with a wall behind it, which i have read gives the best sound quality anyway, so my positioning shouldn't be effecting it.
I am an Apple fanboy and had really been looking froward to the HP being release as they haven't release anything since the 2015 12" MacBook that i had really been interested in. I am not interested in iPads or the recent iPhone 8 (boring, same as) or the iPhone X (too expensive). So i was really looking forward to the HP, i have tried my hardest to like it over the past week, but no matter how hard i try to like it i just do not like it and find the sound quite annoying.
My two other music sources just sound so much better, they are a Loewe Speaker2go portable bluetooth speaker released in 2013, and a Denon S-81DAB HiFi System that i have connected to my Airport Express so i can AirPlay to it. The Loewe just has a much nicer and clearer sound than the HP, and has lovely controlled bass. The Denon trounces both of them, but it should as it is a lot more powerful and was quite expensive, but is quite old now, again about 2013 i think.
So i am sat here very disappointed wondering if i am the only one, so i thought i might as well start this thread to see there are others like me, or am i the only one.
I am definitely returning this HP, but i am wondering if it might be worth ordering another one in a few weeks and hope it sounds better, i am hoping later production models may sound better because i really want to own the HP and like it.
There are other issues i have, like Siri being crap, but that can be improved over time with software updates.
I find the sound very muffled and choked as if it is struggling to get out. This could be to do with everything being incased in a plastic tube. I also find the bass very over powering and forced, what i call false bass, though i am no expert with the correct terminology. Add them both together and i if find the HP very unsatisfying to listen to, in fact i dislike it quite a lot and cant wait to say Hey Siri stop.
Everywhere you look the HP is getting rave reviews about how good the sound quality is, so i am wondering if i have a faulty unit.
I have checked my production date and it is early November 2017, so mine must be a very early production model, i am wondering if this could make a difference and later production models may sound better for whatever reason.
I have mine placed in the open on a sideboard with a wall behind it, which i have read gives the best sound quality anyway, so my positioning shouldn't be effecting it.
I am an Apple fanboy and had really been looking froward to the HP being release as they haven't release anything since the 2015 12" MacBook that i had really been interested in. I am not interested in iPads or the recent iPhone 8 (boring, same as) or the iPhone X (too expensive). So i was really looking forward to the HP, i have tried my hardest to like it over the past week, but no matter how hard i try to like it i just do not like it and find the sound quite annoying.
My two other music sources just sound so much better, they are a Loewe Speaker2go portable bluetooth speaker released in 2013, and a Denon S-81DAB HiFi System that i have connected to my Airport Express so i can AirPlay to it. The Loewe just has a much nicer and clearer sound than the HP, and has lovely controlled bass. The Denon trounces both of them, but it should as it is a lot more powerful and was quite expensive, but is quite old now, again about 2013 i think.
So i am sat here very disappointed wondering if i am the only one, so i thought i might as well start this thread to see there are others like me, or am i the only one.
I am definitely returning this HP, but i am wondering if it might be worth ordering another one in a few weeks and hope it sounds better, i am hoping later production models may sound better because i really want to own the HP and like it.
There are other issues i have, like Siri being crap, but that can be improved over time with software updates.