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Original poster
Aug 19, 2020
My dilemna is I like having a bootcamp partition. I have some games that are not available on the Mac that I love to play in Windows and Parallels and Crossover are failures. I have owned two macbook pros and have had problems with both of them 2010 (gpu problem) and 2017 (battery swell, logic board failure) so I am scared to buy a used one off of eBay. I have an M1 MBA that I traded my 2017 for but after 6 months, the M1 has lost its luster in light of Apple's hostile actions against sideloading iOS apps. Would a winning strategy be to wait for the M2 Macbook Pros to drop and then buy a new sealed 2019 on Ebay assuming dealers will start dumping them for lower prices?
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If you want it for games. You’ll want a BTO model with upgraded graphics. Which will mean you won’t likely find one new in box on eBay. When they are discontinued.

IMHO, you already have a MBA for macOS. Get a Windows desktop for games. As you’ll get way more for your money. Although with the GPU shortage. You’ll want an OEM PC as GPU are too difficult to get right now. For a DIY build.
I got an educational licenses for Parallels and got an insider preview of windows ARM 64 installed flawlessly through the parallel app. All is running fine on my Mbp M1. I use windows for Articulate storyline for work and other small work based windows apps. A youtube video showcased this method and its pretty simple.Not sure about games since i don't play any on windows.
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