I was successful in purchasing a 42mm apple watch on April 10 and got a $1 charge on my AMEX shortly after. That charge has subsequently been removed. Anything to be concerned about?
Thanks in advance.
I was successful in purchasing a 42mm apple watch on April 10 and got a $1 charge on my AMEX shortly after. That charge has subsequently been removed. Anything to be concerned about?
Thanks in advance.
I was successful in purchasing a 42mm apple watch on April 10 and got a $1 charge on my AMEX shortly after. That charge has subsequently been removed. Anything to be concerned about?
Thanks in advance.
Check your credit limit ... You should see a pending charge lowering your limit for the value of what you paid.
That's common . I'm worried cause I didn't get the 1 dollar charge
Don't be worried. The pre-auth charges to my AmEx were both dropped today.
My pending charges dropped off AMEX, but my credit limit is still being held hostage. Weird.
Did you fill up your AMEX credit limit on your card? If not, I don't understand why you say it's being held hostage.
Nope. Which is why I'm baffled. I still have plenty of available credit. I don't carry a high balance.
The confusing part is that the difference between my limit and the amount owed plus pending charges leaves an amount of unavailable credit that equals my Apple Watch purchases. Maybe it'll all sort out soon.
In the "Pending Charges" all I see are other charges. The Apple ones that were listed dropped off today.
Perhaps a call to American Express is in order?