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Tig Bitties

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
Not sure if you knew of this thread I started a few months ago, on the main forums. I kept it civil, and no fan boy talk whatsoever. Just honest thoughts on the two operating systems, and comparing 5.5" phones from Android and Apple.

To catch up, please read this, and mainly my comments throughout the thread, as you see how I progress in liking it, and now back again to Android.

Read my first few comments and original thoughts switching over to the iPhone 6 Plus Jailbreak, after 5 years on Android;


[/COLOR]Here are the more recent comments from this weekend, March 26th, 2015;

Back to a OnePlus One again yesterday. I ordered it Tuesday, just regular shipping and it arrived Saturday. As you know this is my second OPO.

Out of the box, I rooted it immediately, and installed official CM12, and installed my apps I like, and also Xposed with Greenify, and Amplify for battery savings, and of course AdAway and YouTube AdAway.

First impressions;

- Coming from my iPhone 6 for 3 months. Even though both phones have the exact same 5.5" screen size, naked with no case, the OnePlus feels easier and better in the hand, the curved back just rests in the hand better, and the One does feel just a hair smaller for some reason, feels easier to one hand, where the 6 Plus never felt comfortable one handed, like I might drop it. The 6 Plus felt top heavy for some reason, and is just heavier.

- Being back on Android for a day now, the back button is a godsend, thank the lord. And with CM12 is nice I can move the software keys around, and I moved the back button to be right in the middle, easier to hit.

- I will admit the Jailbreak lock screen is better, I was using Intelli X lock screen, that had my Calendar, game scores, weather, etc... which was very convenient, and easy access. Wish there was a similar lock screen for Android ?

- Screen quality, the 6 Plus has a sharper nicer display. No question. The 6 Plus screen is the best for 1080p display IMO. I know it's no Note 4 or S6 good, but I'd say it's the best outside of those. The OnePlus Screen is ok.

- Overall usage, the OnePlus just seems faster and easier to pick up and get going. Where the 6 Plus, felt like it took a couple more steps to really get into something, if that makes any sense ? The 6 Plus has this long pause doing certain things, like a 2 or 3 second delay on certain things, not all the time, just some apps, or even the phone, where the OnePlus is just instant, blink of an eye fast.

- Ambient Display is really cool on Lollipop, I like seeing notifications like that. And the LED Notification light of course has always been great, I think Apple needs to add that to the iPhone already. I mean even Blackberry had the red flashing light for notifications before Android.

- I do like Lollipop better than iOS 8, but there are things that iOS does very well and good, just wish it was faster, and had more customization. I do feel the 1GB RAM does slow down the 6 Plus.

- Widgets, I do love me some widgets. I have widgets for Calendar agenda, Current weather + date, Sports scores, Power toggles, 5 day forecast weather. Even a JB iPhone is very limited on the widgets. I don't understand why Apple can't at least offer the option of home screen widgets. If you don't like them don't use them then, but should still be an option.

- At the end of the day, there isn't that one perfect device. I guess you just need to pick the one that checks off most the boxes you like, and go with it. Only phones on my radar moving forward are the OnePlus Two, due 3rd QTR, or the Note 5 if it's designed like the S6, but most likely the Note 5 if it does follow the S6 build and shape. A thin and flat Note 5, made of the same metal and glass like the S6 could be an amazing device IMO.
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Isn't this a duplicate of the same thread you have here:

It is, but I should have originally started the thread here in the Alternative section, as I would get more opinions from various people, as opposed to the main iPhone thread, which is primarily Apple fans.

And now I want to move the discussion to going to one, and then coming back again, and opinions, etc...
I used Android for a LOOOONG time and found it a complete mess. I actually prefer the Windows phone to it; it's clean and works very well. Sadly, though, there are so few apps.

But you have to give it to Android for the widgets. If iOS would let you put widgets on your home screen so you didn't have to constantly open apps, it would be near perfect.
I used Android for a LOOOONG time and found it a complete mess. I actually prefer the Windows phone to it; it's clean and works very well. Sadly, though, there are so few apps.

But you have to give it to Android for the widgets. If iOS would let you put widgets on your home screen so you didn't have to constantly open apps, it would be near perfect.

I agree. For me to really stick with an iPhone Plus type smartphone, Apple needs to do a few things, which I doubt they will;

- Allow widgets on the home screens.

- LED Notification light, or something like that, even Blackberry had that.

- Simple thing, like allowing app icons to be put anywhere on the screen. I couldn't believe that didn't work when I first turned on my 6 Plus, it kept throwing my icons in a grid from top to bottom. I was like WTF really ? Jailbreak is a must for the iPhone, and all that does is make the iPhone like a stock Android phone out of the box.

- Either add some form of software keys, or a better way to use a large phone. Right now the 6 Plus is very difficult to operate one handed, but my OnePlus One is easier, due to software keys, and Nova launcher with gestures and swipe to pull down, etc... I think Apple needs to work on that pronto with iOS 9, thinking and designing features for better usability on large screens like the 6 Plus. Right now, it's just a big phone, and not easy to use one handed. Apple has a very smart team, they should be able to come up with some slick ideas. If not, and the 6S Plus is still the same, then I will be very disappointed.

But for me, I think a Note 5 type phablet, if it's designed the same way as the new S6, could be that near perfect phone IMO. Just give me root, to make some system changes, and I'm golden.
- Being back on Android for a day now, the back button is a godsend, thank the lord. And with CM12 is nice I can move the software keys around, and I moved the back button to be right in the middle, easier to hit.

- Overall usage, the OnePlus just seems faster and easier to pick up and get going. Where the 6 Plus, felt like it took a couple more steps to really get into something, if that makes any sense ? The 6 Plus has this long pause doing certain things, like a 2 or 3 second delay on certain things, not all the time, just some apps, or even the phone, where the OnePlus is just instant, blink of an eye fast.

- I do like Lollipop better than iOS 8, but there are things that iOS does very well and good, just wish it was faster, and had more customization. I do feel the 1GB RAM does slow down the 6 Plus.

There's a lot I agree with in your post, OP. The top three points stand out.

When I was still in my infant stages of testing out the OnePlus (vs my iPhone 6) whenever I thought about going back to the 6, I sorely missed the back button. In fact, it made me realize navigating through iOS without one was an incredible pain. I never really noticed it until I adapted to the back button on Android. Talk about seeing the light. Navigating through iOS is all over the place; sometimes you can swipe to go back, sometimes you can't. Sometimes the back button is in one corner, other times it's in another corner. Sometimes it's a pop-up "cancel" button, sometimes not. In Safari, back is on the bottom of the screen; when not in Safari, it's back to one of the top corners. It's just inconsistent.

As for the speed, I agree, and I'm glad I'm not the only one. Everyone keeps claiming iOS is smoother, faster, etc. In my comparison and usage of both devices, it just simply isn't true! Again, navigating through iOS is slow, not necessarily animation speed-wise, but just difficulty and complication-wise. iOS settings menu is a mess. The control center is also a bit of a mess (things are there that I just never need to toggle -- let us customize!). Widgets are a bit of a mess in the pulldown menu, too.

As Apple adds features while keeping the strict "app drawer" framework of iOS, things just get more and more clunky and cluttered. I think that's what the issue really is.

Whereas on Android, things are sort of open and free in terms of customization. You get home screens to do whatever you want. People keep saying customization is overrated and that it's only an aesthetic advantage, but it's not; it is so much more. For a device you use on a daily basis, multiple times a day, customizing the experience so that it's catered to you is astronomically vital. It makes a huge difference.

/rant. :eek:
i almost bought the oneplusone, but the camera was absolute garbage to me. good phone for the price though.
I agree. For me to really stick with an iPhone Plus type smartphone, Apple needs to do a few things, which I doubt they will;

- Allow widgets on the home screens.

- LED Notification light, or something like that, even Blackberry had that.

- Simple thing, like allowing app icons to be put anywhere on the screen. I couldn't believe that didn't work when I first turned on my 6 Plus, it kept throwing my icons in a grid from top to bottom. I was like WTF really ? Jailbreak is a must for the iPhone, and all that does is make the iPhone like a stock Android phone out of the box.

- Either add some form of software keys, or a better way to use a large phone. Right now the 6 Plus is very difficult to operate one handed, but my OnePlus One is easier, due to software keys, and Nova launcher with gestures and swipe to pull down, etc... I think Apple needs to work on that pronto with iOS 9, thinking and designing features for better usability on large screens like the 6 Plus. Right now, it's just a big phone, and not easy to use one handed. Apple has a very smart team, they should be able to come up with some slick ideas. If not, and the 6S Plus is still the same, then I will be very disappointed.

But for me, I think a Note 5 type phablet, if it's designed the same way as the new S6, could be that near perfect phone IMO. Just give me root, to make some system changes, and I'm golden.
Perfect summary of features I miss on IOS.
If Apple would implemented these, there were good chances I would by an iPhone again.

Well known this won't happen...
I agree. For me to really stick with an iPhone Plus type smartphone, Apple needs to do a few things, which I doubt they will;

- Allow widgets on the home screens.

- LED Notification light, or something like that, even Blackberry had that.

- Simple thing, like allowing app icons to be put anywhere on the screen. I couldn't believe that didn't work when I first turned on my 6 Plus, it kept throwing my icons in a grid from top to bottom. I was like WTF really ? Jailbreak is a must for the iPhone, and all that does is make the iPhone like a stock Android phone out of the box.

- Either add some form of software keys, or a better way to use a large phone. Right now the 6 Plus is very difficult to operate one handed, but my OnePlus One is easier, due to software keys, and Nova launcher with gestures and swipe to pull down, etc... I think Apple needs to work on that pronto with iOS 9, thinking and designing features for better usability on large screens like the 6 Plus. Right now, it's just a big phone, and not easy to use one handed. Apple has a very smart team, they should be able to come up with some slick ideas. If not, and the 6S Plus is still the same, then I will be very disappointed.

But for me, I think a Note 5 type phablet, if it's designed the same way as the new S6, could be that near perfect phone IMO. Just give me root, to make some system changes, and I'm golden.

is it really all that difficult? i don't have the 6+ so i dont konw. but cant you just use reachability to help with one handed usage?
is it really all that difficult? i don't have the 6+ so i dont konw. but cant you just use reachability to help with one handed usage?

Reachability, in my opinion, straight up sucked. It didn't always work on first tries, and it just made things all the more slower to operate iOS. It was faster to just shift my hand a little bit.


i almost bought the oneplusone, but the camera was absolute garbage to me. good phone for the price though.

Absolutely garbage is a bit harsh, but yes, the OnePlus' camera is the one area the iPhone 6 ran circles around it.
is it really all that difficult? i don't have the 6+ so i dont konw. but cant you just use reachability to help with one handed usage?

Yes reachability is awful. If it was quicker to activate and didnt have that snail speed animation, it might be useful, but a lot of times things on the opposite corner are still unaccessable

EDIT: see below
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Android nerd, switched to iPhone 6 Plus, and back again

Snail speed animation and hard to activate ? I honestly don't think so. Reachability is one of main features I use especially in Google play newsstand app., tapatalk etc...

Again different strokes for different folks.
Snail speed animation and hard to activate ? I honestly don't think so. Reachability is one of main features I use especially in Google play newsstand app., tapatalk etc...

Again different strokes for different folks.

Your post made me give reachability a try again. I had it turned off since I hated it when I first got it. I have to retract my statement, it has much improved, however I still find it hard to reach things in the corner so I dont think I'll use it over just moving my hand.
Not sure if you knew of this thread I started a few months ago, on the main forums. I kept it civil, and no fan boy talk whatsoever. Just honest thoughts on the two operating systems, and comparing 5.5" phones from Android and Apple.

To catch up, please read this, and mainly my comments throughout the thread, as you see how I progress in liking it, and now back again to Android.

Read my first few comments and original thoughts switching over to the iPhone 6 Plus Jailbreak, after 5 years on Android;


[/COLOR]Here are the more recent comments from this weekend, March 26th, 2015;

Back to a OnePlus One again yesterday. I ordered it Tuesday, just regular shipping and it arrived Saturday. As you know this is my second OPO.

Out of the box, I rooted it immediately, and installed official CM12, and installed my apps I like, and also Xposed with Greenify, and Amplify for battery savings, and of course AdAway and YouTube AdAway.

First impressions;

- Coming from my iPhone 6 for 3 months. Even though both phones have the exact same 5.5" screen size, naked with no case, the OnePlus feels easier and better in the hand, the curved back just rests in the hand better, and the One does feel just a hair smaller for some reason, feels easier to one hand, where the 6 Plus never felt comfortable one handed, like I might drop it. The 6 Plus felt top heavy for some reason, and is just heavier.

- Being back on Android for a day now, the back button is a godsend, thank the lord. And with CM12 is nice I can move the software keys around, and I moved the back button to be right in the middle, easier to hit.

- I will admit the Jailbreak lock screen is better, I was using Intelli X lock screen, that had my Calendar, game scores, weather, etc... which was very convenient, and easy access. Wish there was a similar lock screen for Android ?

- Screen quality, the 6 Plus has a sharper nicer display. No question. The 6 Plus screen is the best for 1080p display IMO. I know it's no Note 4 or S6 good, but I'd say it's the best outside of those. The OnePlus Screen is ok.

- Overall usage, the OnePlus just seems faster and easier to pick up and get going. Where the 6 Plus, felt like it took a couple more steps to really get into something, if that makes any sense ? The 6 Plus has this long pause doing certain things, like a 2 or 3 second delay on certain things, not all the time, just some apps, or even the phone, where the OnePlus is just instant, blink of an eye fast.

- Ambient Display is really cool on Lollipop, I like seeing notifications like that. And the LED Notification light of course has always been great, I think Apple needs to add that to the iPhone already. I mean even Blackberry had the red flashing light for notifications before Android.

- I do like Lollipop better than iOS 8, but there are things that iOS does very well and good, just wish it was faster, and had more customization. I do feel the 1GB RAM does slow down the 6 Plus.

- Widgets, I do love me some widgets. I have widgets for Calendar agenda, Current weather + date, Sports scores, Power toggles, 5 day forecast weather. Even a JB iPhone is very limited on the widgets. I don't understand why Apple can't at least offer the option of home screen widgets. If you don't like them don't use them then, but should still be an option.

- At the end of the day, there isn't that one perfect device. I guess you just need to pick the one that checks off most the boxes you like, and go with it. Only phones on my radar moving forward are the OnePlus Two, due 3rd QTR, or the Note 5 if it's designed like the S6, but most likely the Note 5 if it does follow the S6 build and shape. A thin and flat Note 5, made of the same metal and glass like the S6 could be an amazing device IMO.
So I made a similar switch. I had been using iOS for the last year and half. I had the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 6+. I received a nexus 6 on Saturday. The main reason I switch was because of the Apple Watch being a disappointment to me. I have a Pebble steel with my iPhone, but I wanted a better smart watch. I had been holding out for the AW to see what it would be, and when I saw the price. I decided it was just too much. I am now back on android at least until android wear comes to iOS, but if I fall in love with android again. I will be here to stay for awhile.

Things I miss:

- touch ID. One of the best features of the iPhone. That is the main thing I miss.

- email. Specifically corporate exchange email. It just works with the stock iOS email app so much better. I have it on my android, and its fine, but its not the same. I can't seem to figure out how to get HTML signatures on android mail app.

- imessage. I know you either love it or hate it, but I have so many friends on imessage that it is a big deal. Wish Apple would offer it cross platform. We all know that will never happen.

These are just a few of the things I miss, but I am really enjoying android. I think I will settle back in nicely, but there are a few things I will continue to miss. Like you said Tig Bitties. There is no perfect device.
Just to be clear here. By no means, am I saying the OnePlus One is a better phone than the iPhone 6 Plus.

Hardware wise, and build quality, the 6 Plus is far and above the better phone. To me it's more Android Lollipop OS compared to iOS 8.

- The metal build, and rounded edges of the 6 Plus are beautiful, and really well designed, plus the sharp and crisp display on the 6 Plus, is nicer than the more bluish tinted and somewhat blurry One Plus One screen in comparison.

- But then again the $349 Off Contract must also be remembered on the OPO. That is a very important fact, that this phone is so affordable, and you really do get a great bang for your buck, no question. The 64GB iPhone 6 Plus Off Contract is $850 :eek: That's a massive price difference. Sure the iPhone will have a nicer screen, better build materials, etc... your paying more than twice the price for that.

- Rumors that the OnePlus Two will use all new metal build, and nicer design, better screen tech, and be priced a bit higher, more like the $449 range. It will have all the flagship hardware specs as the current Android phones around at time of release.
So I made a similar switch. I had been using iOS for the last year and half. I had the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 6+. I received a nexus 6 on Saturday. The main reason I switch was because of the Apple Watch being a disappointment to me. I have a Pebble steel with my iPhone, but I wanted a better smart watch. I had been holding out for the AW to see what it would be, and when I saw the price. I decided it was just too much. I am now back on android at least until android wear comes to iOS, but if I fall in love with android again. I will be here to stay for awhile.

Things I miss:

- touch ID. One of the best features of the iPhone. That is the main thing I miss.

- email. Specifically corporate exchange email. It just works with the stock iOS email app so much better. I have it on my android, and its fine, but its not the same. I can't seem to figure out how to get HTML signatures on android mail app.

- imessage. I know you either love it or hate it, but I have so many friends on imessage that it is a big deal. Wish Apple would offer it cross platform. We all know that will never happen.

These are just a few of the things I miss, but I am really enjoying android. I think I will settle back in nicely, but there are a few things I will continue to miss. Like you said Tig Bitties. There is no perfect device.

I also just got a Nexus 6. First Android phone and feel your reasons are the only thing I miss from iOS along with the design/build quality. I do miss swiping backwards and forwards in t'internet browser but other than that, it really is an incredibly coherent OS. Love stock android so much I really don't even see the need for a launcher never mind root.
I also just got a Nexus 6. First Android phone and feel your reasons are the only thing I miss from iOS along with the design/build quality. I do miss swiping backwards and forwards in t'internet browser but other than that, it really is an incredibly coherent OS. Love stock android so much I really don't even see the need for a launcher never mind root.
Yeah stock android is the place to be for me. I think it's what android is all about. I think those few things I miss about iOS are not that big of a deal. I had a list just like that for android when I was using iOS. No iOS is perfect and each have their strong points. I think corporate email will be the hardest to get use to, but it should not be that bad. The more you use android, the more its starts really grow on you. It will take me some time to get adjusted again, but it should be good
I have to say I am really liking my OnePlus One a lot. CM12 on this beast rocks, smooth as butter, and insane battery life, seems to be on par with my iPhone 6 Plus battery life.

I picked up a Tempered glass screen protector, my first tempered protector ever, and it went on flawlessly. Can't even tell there's anything on the screen.


And I picked up an aluminum bumper, just wanted to try something different, see if I like it. And I do.
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