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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand
I've noticed animations are sped up for everything, this giving me the impression the phone is more responsive and snappier. It's an iPhone 6 and ever since I've gotten it, it's never felt this fast before.
That's strange, I don't notice a huge improvement on my 8.4b2 iPhone 6+, compared to b1. Maybe less stutters but that's always welcome.
There's almost always someone with practically any beta and sometimes final version that says something along those lines. :D
I've noticed animations are sped up for everything, this giving me the impression the phone is more responsive and snappier. It's an iPhone 6 and ever since I've gotten it, it's never felt this fast before.

It felt fast because your phone had to reboot after the upgrade.

When you reboot your phone, naturally everything is faster.
It felt fast because your phone had to reboot after the upgrade.

When you reboot your phone, naturally everything is faster.

Sorry what? I turn it on and off frequently enough to know that the reboot wasn't the cause.
Don't forget that the battery is so much better suddenly.

in all seriousness though something improved with it, did another run on 8.4 b1 & was back to typical 10-10.5hr usage (& by the same apps), now back to 8.4 b2 to see if my 12.5hr usage replicates
I noticed the slight improvement in animation speed too (8.4 PB). Thought I was the only one :D Battery life seems similar to 8.2, which was slightly better than 8.3 for me.
I noticed the slight improvement in animation speed too (8.4 PB). Thought I was the only one :D Battery life seems similar to 8.2, which was slightly better than 8.3 for me.

Don't understand why people are mocking my observation.
Do apps keep reloading itself when the phone runs out of memory?

No, they now miraculously pull down more ram from the cloud when needed and therefore apps never reload themselves anymore. It's like asking if cars still stop working when they run out of petrol. LOL
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No, they now miraculously pull down more ram from the cloud when needed and therefore apps never reload themselves anymore. It's like asking if cars still stop working when they run out of petrol. LOL

This is awesome.

Seriously though, wouldn't it be nice for the future? Cloud computing would save your place in an app over real time so you could have an theoretical infinite amount of memory to keep whatever you pleased open. Just make sure you close your incognito porn tabs after you're done. One can only dream.
This is awesome.

Seriously though, wouldn't it be nice for the future? Cloud computing would save your place in an app over real time so you could have an theoretical infinite amount of memory to keep whatever you pleased open. Just make sure you close your incognito porn tabs after you're done. One can only dream.

Saving/loading memory to/from local storage is far simpler surely :D
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