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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 30, 2012
The new Playstation 4 is basically a generic X86 PC.

8 core X86 CPU
Radeon HD7870 equivalent GPU
Better balance between CPU and GPU speed than the Mini's
Gigabit ethernet
Blu-Ray drive
4K video support over standard HDMI cables (no fancy TB displays required)
Probably an internal SATA 6 connector, not sure yet

So this means it will probably be faster than an i5 iMac with Geforce GTX680MX, for only 399!
I see the new Mac Pro on my desk, and it looks a lot like a PS4.
Nice cubist black instead of girly-curves.
We have a winner!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 30, 2011
Prague, Czech Rep.
The new Playstation 4 is basically a generic X86 PC.

8 core X86 CPU
Radeon HD7870 equivalent GPU
Better balance between CPU and GPU speed than the Mini's
Gigabit ethernet
Blu-Ray drive
4K video support over standard HDMI cables (no fancy TB displays required)
Probably an internal SATA 6 connector, not sure yet

So this means it will probably be faster than an i5 iMac with Geforce GTX680MX, for only 399!
I see the new Mac Pro on my desk, and it looks a lot like a PS4.
Nice cubist black instead of girly-curves.
We have a winner!

Wait, seriously? You are comparing Pro workstation with a gaming console... Besides, I don't see how you gonna run OSX or *any* computer OS on a Playstation.

On occasions like this I really miss the downvote button..


macrumors 65816
Jan 6, 2011
United States
I just. I don't even know anymore.

The boot loader and hardware is so locked down, you will never get an OS like OS X or Windows on it, maybe linux at best.


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
The new Playstation 4 is basically a generic X86 PC.

8 core X86 CPU
Radeon HD7870 equivalent GPU
Better balance between CPU and GPU speed than the Mini's
Gigabit ethernet
Blu-Ray drive
4K video support over standard HDMI cables (no fancy TB displays required)
Probably an internal SATA 6 connector, not sure yet

So this means it will probably be faster than an i5 iMac with Geforce GTX680MX, for only 399!
I see the new Mac Pro on my desk, and it looks a lot like a PS4.
Nice cubist black instead of girly-curves.
We have a winner!

You smoking some good curachas there.
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