Wondering if, along with the rest of the s variant camera upgrades, Apple has found a way to bring optical image stabilization to both models, rather than reserving it for the 6 plus only.
Thought some of the "leaked" specs might mention OIS, but I haven't seen it mentioned it all, for EITHER model (if you have a link, please share).
Perhaps Apple thinks it an important differentiator, but then again, they don't seem to emphasize it much. I'm hoping that the (seeming) lack of mention in recent rumors is an indicator that both will have it...I know we don't have (and can't get) "confirmation" before the event, but what do others think will happen? Will both cameras be specced equally? If they aren't, will OIS push you to get a +?
Thought some of the "leaked" specs might mention OIS, but I haven't seen it mentioned it all, for EITHER model (if you have a link, please share).
Perhaps Apple thinks it an important differentiator, but then again, they don't seem to emphasize it much. I'm hoping that the (seeming) lack of mention in recent rumors is an indicator that both will have it...I know we don't have (and can't get) "confirmation" before the event, but what do others think will happen? Will both cameras be specced equally? If they aren't, will OIS push you to get a +?