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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
Hi, I am looking for project management app. I prefer nice UI with charts. No need of cloud nor collaboration. Any good recommendations? Thanks

Big Bad D

macrumors 6502a
Jan 3, 2007
You don’t give much clarity of what you need or expect app to do or your budget, so difficult to make helpful suggestions. You might get more useful answers if you can share what you have already tried and features you have liked or missed? For my purposes Merlin Project is good.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
You don’t give much clarity of what you need or expect app to do or your budget, so difficult to make helpful suggestions. You might get more useful answers if you can share what you have already tried and features you have liked or missed? For my purposes Merlin Project is good.

Some kind of program to keep track of personal projects. Thus, no need of cloud nor collaboration feature. Ideally, like OmniPlan, it can show the relationship between different projects (i.e. which ones should complete first) and also how the projects/smaller tasks timeline and ordering in nice graphical views. Nice user interface overall. Ability to keep a record of date of completed tasks rather than just removing them or crossing them off without showing the completion date. Of course free or less expensive is better. Also, no sending of project data to the developers.

Big Bad D

macrumors 6502a
Jan 3, 2007
Some kind of program to keep track of personal projects. Thus, no need of cloud nor collaboration feature. Ideally, like OmniPlan, it can show the relationship between different projects (i.e. which ones should complete first) and also how the projects/smaller tasks timeline and ordering in nice graphical views. Nice user interface overall. Ability to keep a record of date of completed tasks rather than just removing them or crossing them off without showing the completion date. Of course free or less expensive is better. Also, no sending of project data to the developers.
OK thanks for the clarification. My proposal of Merlin Project does not match your needs. It’s great but overkill and pricey.

For smaller personal projects I more often use a To-Do app - Things is my preference - rather than a project planning app. It doesn’t have nice graphical views but is easy to manage projects and track task completion by date.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
OK thanks for the clarification. My proposal of Merlin Project does not match your needs. It’s great but overkill and pricey.

For smaller personal projects I more often use a To-Do app - Things is my preference - rather than a project planning app. It doesn’t have nice graphical views but is easy to manage projects and track task completion by date.
I have tried Thing. It is quite good except that it does not display graphical relation among tasks like "See the full picture" in:

I guess I want an app, or two apps that can share info with each other, that can do what Things does with the addition feature of something like the graph shown in "See the full picture".
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macrumors regular
Nov 11, 2010
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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
I've used Pagico for a long time.
It's not a hugely popular well known app, though I really like it, well worth a look.
Devs are really pro-active and respond quickly, works well with calendar and also with MacOS.

Thanks. Can it keep record on when the tasks were completed? Perhaps with both planned and actual completion dates?

Just tried this in the demo but after I checked complete, the task disappeared from the program. It seems that it does not keep a record.
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macrumors regular
Nov 11, 2010
Thanks. Can it keep record on when the tasks were completed? Perhaps with both planned and actual completion dates?

Just tried this in the demo but after I checked complete, the task disappeared from the program. It seems that it does not keep a record.

It goes to completed, It's hidden, but there is a checkbox to see completed tasks.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
It goes to completed, It's hidden, but there is a checkbox to see completed tasks.

Found them. Thanks.

Can Pagico do all the stuffs that Things 3 can? If I buy the Pagico, is it still better to have Things 3?

T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
Some kind of program to keep track of personal projects. Thus, no need of cloud nor collaboration feature.
I use Todoist for this.
Ideally, like OmniPlan, it can show the relationship between different projects (i.e. which ones should complete first) and also how the projects/smaller tasks timeline and ordering in nice graphical views. Nice user interface overall. Ability to keep a record of date of completed tasks rather than just removing them or crossing them off without showing the completion date. Of course free or less expensive is better. Also, no sending of project data to the developers.
...But it can't do this. It is more a less just a list of things to do sorted into projects, with sub-todos, and reminders, dates, tags, etc. Interface is nice though.

There are both Mac and iOS apps, and you can also use their website at, as they are all synced. If you don't need the fancy features, it is free to use (Which I do).


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
I have a Google Sheet that I've created for basic task tracking and gantt chart. Perfect for when I don't want/need to have day-by-day status and tracking.

For anything more than that, I prefer to use GanttProject. It's open-source and free.



macrumors newbie
Feb 14, 2019
I recommend this productivity tracking tool for project management. It's reduced my overwhelm with projects significantly. It focuses on clear task setting and tracking without extra fluff. Its dashboard is intuitive, and I appreciate how it visually presents data. It doesn't need cloud, so fine there. It's worth checking out, see if it fits your needs.
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