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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 7, 2017
I'm considering upgrading to an M1 Macbook Air given all reviews. But I'm hesitant only bc I'm not sure if there have been any issues running Anaconda(Jupyter Notebooks, Spyder), Phyton(Shell), or Matlab on the new processors. Thanks for the feedback.
I use miniforge3 ( for my python needs, ranging from django web development to tensorflow (just running model for now, and little bit training on small dataset). I also use vscode-insiders and atom+hydrogren for jupyter notebook replacement (jupyter notebook itself is working fine). So far is ok. For another use case I use free PyMol for molecular dynamic things, which I installed from homebrew x86_64 version (also have the homebrew arm version for other needs). Dunno about matlab situation, though.
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