So when would you get to enjoy the non-greasy, non-shiny, non-covered keys? Or do you just protect the keys for the chap who'll buy the MacBook off you in a few years?
This reminds me of my Mum's friend. She has a very expensive and beautiful (so we often hear) dining table and chairs, but they're covered in an awful green fabric cover. It never comes off - not even for xmas. So I don't get why she bothered buying something so nice if she's never going to enjoy it. She may as well have bought the ugliest dining table she could find and save some money.
The same goes for iPhone covers. People go on about how beautiful the iPhone is, spend £700 on one and then cover it in a £2.99 case. I don't see the point. It'd be like covering my car in bubble-wrap.
I do eventually sell the laptop off and it retains higher resale value if looks like new. Also, I use the keyboard cover for when I am home because when I eat or drink (or just have natural oils from my hands) they tend to make the black keys very shiny.. permanently. Obviously, you can keep washing your hands and avoid eating/drinking before using your laptop, but for me.. personally.. that is super inconvenient and I rather keep a keyboard cover on when home and live my way without any worries about my personal methods of usage permanently impacting appearance of the MacBook.
Again, I only use a keyboard cover when I am home... when I am in a professional environment outdoors I do not take the keyboard cover with me and let it be shown in its full beauty... but if I don't use the cover at home it most certainly will look all shined up looking unprofessional or icky when I take it out. Even on a MacBook Air, you don't normally close the screen on a keyboard cover because it imprints the grease from the cover onto the screen.. so there's no reason obviously to do that on this new slimmer laptop either. Heat has never been an issue on the MBA and unlikely on this one either, but if it is, no big deal, they're cheap covers that cost anywhere from $1 to $20 depending where you purchase and are expendable.
For someone that mentioned that Apple should make the keys less prone to this sort of permanent shine, I'd like to mention there was a time their laptop keyboards had silver-colored keys and they were not prone to the same shine as when they switched to black keys. Traditionally, Windows computers have mainly used black keys and were always prone to this.. then when Apple also switched to black keys for their MacBook Pros somewhere between 2006-2008, I started purchasing keyboard covers back then.
Also, this topic was about asking if anyone has leads on if they know a place they can be purchased... not what everyones personal opinion is on one. Nonetheless, I do enjoy sharing this information even if it is off topic and helps others gain insight. Thanks again.