I am trying to learn more about the Q and R series SSDs that Apple uses in the M1 Macs. I have been looking specifically at the properties of the AppleANS3NVMeController object in the I/O Registry (ioreg). I already have this information for most of the entry level configurations, but I don't currently have access to any M1 Pro/Max/Ultra systems with the larger 4 or 8 TB SSD options (or an M1 with the 2 TB option). I was hoping someone with one of the big drives might be so kind as to help me out by issuing the following command in Terminal and reporting back with the output:
The output should look something like this:
Please take a moment to X-out the "Serial Number" and "controller-unique-id" properties if you do post your output here so you're not sharing any information that is specific to your personal device.
As you can see, a lot of details about these drives are being reported by ioreg. I hope to put together a post that explains what all of these properties mean so folks can better understand how Apple's SSDs work, and how they differ from most other SSDs available on the market.
Thank you for your assistance!
ioreg -lrw0 -d2 -c AppleANS3NVMeController
The output should look something like this:
AppleANS3NVMeController <class AppleANS3NVMeController, id 0x10000033c, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (73 ms), retain 20>
"IOMatchedAtBoot" = Yes
"IOPolledInterface" = "IONVMeControllerPolledAdapter is not serializable"
"IOMinimumSaturationByteCount" = 8388608
"IOMinimumSegmentAlignmentByteCount" = 4096
"IOMaximumByteCountWrite" = 1048576
"Physical Interconnect" = "Apple Fabric"
"Physical Interconnect Location" = "Internal"
"Vendor Name" = "Apple"
"Serial Number" = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
"IOMaximumSegmentByteCountWrite" = 4096
"IOMaximumByteCountRead" = 1048576
"Model Number" = "APPLE SSD AP0512R"
"IOPropertyMatch" = {"role"="ANS2"}
"AppleNANDStatus" = "Ready"
"IOCommandPoolSize" = 253
"Chipset Name" = "SSD Controller"
"IOPersonalityPublisher" = "com.apple.iokit.IONVMeFamily"
"IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=1,"CurrentPowerState"=1,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=1}
"Firmware Revision" = "387.100."
"NVMe Revision Supported" = "1.10"
"CFBundleIdentifier" = "com.apple.iokit.IONVMeFamily"
"IOMaximumSegmentCountWrite" = 256
"IOProviderClass" = "RTBuddyService"
"IOReportLegendPublic" = Yes
"IOMaximumSegmentByteCountRead" = 4096
"IOClass" = "AppleANS3NVMeController"
"CFBundleIdentifierKernel" = "com.apple.iokit.IONVMeFamily"
"IOPlatformPanicAction" = 0
"IOMaximumSegmentCountRead" = 256
"DeviceOpenedByEventSystem" = Yes
"IOReportLegend" = ({"IOReportChannels"=((5644784279684675442,8590065666,"NVMe Power States")),"IOReportGroupName"="NVMe","IOReportChannelInfo"={"IOReportChannelUnit"=72058115876454424}})
"IOMatchCategory" = "IODefaultMatchCategory"
"Controller Characteristics" = {"default-bits-per-cell"=3,"firmware-version"="387.100.","controller-unique-id"="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ","capacity"=512000000000,"pages-per-block-mlc"=1152,"pages-in-read-verify"=384,"sec-per-full-band-slc"=52224,"pages-per-block0"=0,"cell-type"=3,"bytes-per-sec-meta"=16,"Preferred IO Size"=1048576,"program-scheme"=0,"bus-to-msp"=(0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3),"num-dip"=34,"nand-marketing-name"="itlc_3d_g4_2p_256 ","package_blocks_at_EOL"=31110,"sec-per-full-band"=156672,"cau-per-die"=2,"page-size"=16384,"pages-per-block-slc"=384,"sec-per-page"=4,"nand-device-desc"=3248925,"num-bus"=8,"block-pairing-scheme"=0,"chip-id"="S5E","Encryption Type"="AES-XTS","vendor-name"="Toshiba ","blocks-per-cau"=974,"dies-per-bus"=(3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2),"msp-version"=" ","manufacturer-id"=<983c98b3f6e30000>}
"IOProbeScore" = 300000
Please take a moment to X-out the "Serial Number" and "controller-unique-id" properties if you do post your output here so you're not sharing any information that is specific to your personal device.
As you can see, a lot of details about these drives are being reported by ioreg. I hope to put together a post that explains what all of these properties mean so folks can better understand how Apple's SSDs work, and how they differ from most other SSDs available on the market.
Thank you for your assistance!