I want to get the 13" retina, however, I don't want to go ahead and spend the money on it to find out a new one is going to be released soon. I haven't seen anything, but are there any rumors going around about new macbook pros? Should I just go ahead and get it? Ahh the dilemma.
It's actually been oddly quiet in regards to a refresh of the MacBook Pro. But then again, there was absolutely ZERO rumor mill or leak surrounding the MacBook (12 inch) released last year until it was literally walking out on stage. Sure there was speculation, but nothing like what it ended up being.
I have the 2015 Macbook Pro 13" fully loaded. I went from the Air to the Macbook to the Pro, and the pro is the biggest\heaviest laptop I've ever traveled with, but it's also the most functional laptop I've ever owned. If they add the new butterfly keyboard, terraced battery technology, USB-C, and a more power efficient processor I'd be one friggin happy camper.
I wait for the 21MAR event, however I'm not overly optimistic about what it'll bring on the computer side. Sure last year they headlined the spring event with the Macbook, but I think that was only because they didn't have a new product release (of significance) other than that. I think this year if the rumors of the 5se are true, and the iPad Pro (smaller) are true, that along with the features of iOS 9.3 will be the general discussion at the event. Otherwise, what else will they cover at WWDC? 10.12 and iOS 10 of course, but they need hardware to go with it and the Mac entire lineup has traditionally been updated at WWDC.
Time will tell, I hope my prediction is wrong and we see MBPr next week