My new Macbook Pro is on the way and while replacing my iMac I've decided that I'll be moving my Time Machine backup from a hard-wired connection to a Airport Extreme-powered wireless connection for convenience. (So I don't need to plug in the Macbook Pro for backups...this wasn't an issue with my previously desk-bound iMac)
Along the way I've decided to go ahead and bite the bullet and purchase Apple's iCloud backup service...if anything else at least for my iPhoto library.
And hell while I'm at it I may as well go for a third solution as well and this is where I'm looking for the most advice. I figure a hard drive cloning program is the best way to go, maybe set to back up on a weekly schedule. Since the program would be cloning the computer's entire hard drive I assume a wired connection would be best, though if you guys think the Airport Extreme connection would suffice I could always set up a second drive just for that. Any suggestions on setup and software to use for this, or a different third option altogether?
Along the way I've decided to go ahead and bite the bullet and purchase Apple's iCloud backup service...if anything else at least for my iPhoto library.
And hell while I'm at it I may as well go for a third solution as well and this is where I'm looking for the most advice. I figure a hard drive cloning program is the best way to go, maybe set to back up on a weekly schedule. Since the program would be cloning the computer's entire hard drive I assume a wired connection would be best, though if you guys think the Airport Extreme connection would suffice I could always set up a second drive just for that. Any suggestions on setup and software to use for this, or a different third option altogether?