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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 3, 2010
Central CA
It looks like they are going to develop a new game, Underworld Ascendant...for details, use your Google!

I think people are weary of crowd-funding games, but these guys definitely have a great track record, and I'm looking forward to playing this on my about 18 months or so!
It looks like they are going to develop a new game, Underworld Ascendant...for details, use your Google!

I think people are weary of crowd-funding games, but these guys definitely have a great track record, and I'm looking forward to playing this on my about 18 months or so!

Yeah, I got an update about this game the other day along with my Shroud of the Avatar update which I am following on Steam. Most definitely looking forward to it. I played the original Ultima Underworld when it was first released. I never got around to the second one for some odd reason. I think working constantly, going to school nights and raising a young family at the time had something to do with that.

I've purchased all things Ultima on and have gotten through Ultima 1 and Ultima II so far. There is an awesome version of Ultima III for OS X that I'll be playing next and soon.

For anyone interested, here is where you can get the best version of Ultima III in existence today and it is only for OS X!

You're welcome! :cool:
I was glad that Underworld Ascendant got funded - I hope it works well for them!

Definitely an old fan of the game and series ... thanks for the UIII link!
Big fan of the series, but only ever finished U1, 2 and 3. Made it about three-quarters through U4. Didn't play the rest of the series (good thing, that probably would have destroyed my grades back then). Ascendant may be worth a look.

Thanks for the U3 link, my favorite in the series. Honestly no time to play with other games lined up, but perhaps someday. I tried briefly playing U3 in DOSBOX, but the DOS version has a different color/sound palette to the original Apple II version I played back in the day and wasn't nostalgic enough to hold my interest long. Cool that this OSX version has an Apple II 'classic' mode...
Big fan of the series, but only ever finished U1, 2 and 3. Made it about three-quarters through U4. Didn't play the rest of the series (good thing, that probably would have destroyed my grades back then). Ascendant may be worth a look.

Thanks for the U3 link, my favorite in the series. Honestly no time to play with other games lined up, but perhaps someday. I tried briefly playing U3 in DOSBOX, but the DOS version has a different color/sound palette to the original Apple II version I played back in the day and wasn't nostalgic enough to hold my interest long. Cool that this OSX version has an Apple II 'classic' mode...

If you ever want to revisit playing the rest of the games, they are all available on and setup with Boxer or Wineskin and a nice installer plus manuals, a helpful forum of other players (they have a forum for every game on the site) and they are cheap. The series really reached the pinnacle of greatness in my opinion with the epic two part Ultima VII: The Black Gate followed by Ultima VII: The Serpent Isle. The GOG releases even include the original content packs too which is very cool. Maybe you already know all this stuff but the graphics on that title blow away completely everything that preceded it. Totally awesome Ultima greatness. While I am on a roll here, both the original Underworld games can be had there as well. The only title they don't have configured to run on a Mac out of the box is the final game, Ultima IX which I haven't gotten to yet but reviews be damned, I will play it. I have to. I tried when it was new but back then you really needed a voodoo card for it to even run right at all. I tried playing it, valiantly, and I even had a little fun too despite what others say about it but my old system just couldn't hack it well enough for me to journey onward.

Oh, and last I knew Ultima IV is a free download on GOG. There are number of titles they give away as incentives to create an account with them I imagine. You do want to be virtuous don't you? Of course you do!
If you ever want to revisit playing the rest of the games, they are all available on and setup with Boxer or Wineskin and a nice installer plus manuals, a helpful forum of other players (they have a forum for every game on the site) and they are cheap. The series really reached the pinnacle of greatness in my opinion with the epic two part Ultima VII: The Black Gate followed by Ultima VII: The Serpent Isle. The GOG releases even include the original content packs too which is very cool. Maybe you already know all this stuff but the graphics on that title blow away completely everything that preceded it. Totally awesome Ultima greatness. While I am on a roll here, both the original Underworld games can be had there as well. The only title they don't have configured to run on a Mac out of the box is the final game, Ultima IX which I haven't gotten to yet but reviews be damned, I will play it. I have to. I tried when it was new but back then you really needed a voodoo card for it to even run right at all. I tried playing it, valiantly, and I even had a little fun too despite what others say about it but my old system just couldn't hack it well enough for me to journey onward.

Oh, and last I knew Ultima IV is a free download on GOG. There are number of titles they give away as incentives to create an account with them I imagine. You do want to be virtuous don't you? Of course you do!

Thanks for the heads up, but already know all about Bought a bunch of stuff from them, including some of the Wizardry games (the other epic rpg of the era!) plus have their free U4.

I already own the 'EA Ultima Collection CD-rom', so ported those to mac using DOSBOX/Boxer myself, which is all gog does. There 'might' be some settings enhancements and extras though with the gog version. If i ever get around to actually replaying these games again, I might buy the gog version during their super flash sale if it is ever cheap enough.

Love the GOG guys. DRM free attitude and developers of the epic Witcher series (can't wait for Witcher 3!). These guys deserve our support.
I'd be so all over a new single player game by the folks who did those original games. They were epic in scope.

I just never got in to the multi player versions of the ultima series.
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