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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Nov 23, 2011
With iTunes 12, the "Watched" dot went away. It used to be that one column was able to show weather the item had been watched of not by a dot that showed blue or half blue. Seems in version 12 that went away. Super annoying because I have TV episodes on my mac, and when I'd watch them on my Apple TV, I'd be able to see they'd been marked watched on my Mac and know to delete them. I kinda work around it now by just showing the watch count, but that's far from ideal like the watched dot was.

anyone know a solution?
It is kind of annoying. I went into view options or column browser options or some such, and turned on the column "Last Played". Then I scrunch it up so it doesn't take up much space but i can see it's not blank...
It is kind of annoying. I went into view options or column browser options or some such, and turned on the column date last played. Then I scrunch it up so it doesn't take up much space but i can see it's not blank...

Guess there's no way to bring back the blue dot?

Seems like the play count is an easier indication than your date played, but yeah, I want my blue dot back.
I can see the blue dot in every view in iTunes 12 on the Mac.

In the "Movies" or "TV Shows" view where the icons are larger, instead of a blue dot there is a "New" banner, but when you click on a series, there are blue dots.
I can see the blue dot in every view in iTunes 12 on the Mac.

In the "Movies" or "TV Shows" view where the icons are larger, instead of a blue dot there is a "New" banner, but when you click on a series, there are blue dots.

Not sure what you're looking at... none of the views have the blue dot in the list view like they used to have.
Bringing this thread back from the dead. Has anyone been able to figure out a way to bring back the watched\not watched dot?
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