My watch is coming today and I'm wondering do you think it will be awkward if I'm the only one who as apple watch at my HS?
I'm assuming you purchased it with your own, hard-earned money?
Show it off, then!
hahaha no. my parents bought me it as a bday gift.
I doubt you will be able to guess what I do for a living from this post...but a better question is are your teachers ok with you wearing a smart watch during class. I know more than a few schools that have a no cellphone policy, however I doubt rules are in place for smart watches yet. The last thing you would want is for it to be confiscated for the day....just to have administration play with it till 3 o'clock
Yeah talked to a few teachers about it and they had no idea about any rules against a smart watch. Seems like it's up to me to be responsible with my new found Apple watch power #. Me being the only one with an Apple watch on the way will be awesome too. Lone wolf.
High-schooler here!
I read the other day that the police in some Australian cities will be ticketing you if they see you looking at the watch while you drive. Is that true?I am college (university in Australia) and I have got an apple watch being delivered today. I will be the only person with it at my college and it is something that I am not worried about. I used my hard earned money for the watch so I think I should be allowed to show it off.
Enjoy yourwatch
My watch is coming today and I'm wondering do you think it will be awkward if I'm the only one who as apple watch at my HS?
Three kids in my son's 7th grade class have Apple watches already, so he doesn't feel odd wearing his. The only thing odd is all the heart-beats flying around during class.
I read the other day that the police in some Australian cities will be ticketing you if they see you looking at the watch while you drive. Is that true?
The key is being humble and subtle about it. Wearing it to school is one thing, flashing it around to all your friends and sharing the price is another thing.
Wear the watch, just don't brag about it. No one likes a bragger.