I’m having an annoying issue where my Caldigit TS3+ doesn’t seem to be handling power correctly. It started because I had two USB-powered SSDs plugged in, and an adapter-powered drive bay with two HDDs plugged in. I noticed my drives were getting disconnected so I figured it’s too much power for the TS3 to handle. So I got a powered TP Link USB hub to put in between the TS3 and the drives. But when I plugged that all in, I got a message on my Mac (M1 Max) saying there’s too much power draw from USB devices. I ended up plugging the TP Link hub into the MBP itself, and that’s working fine.
My question is - why would the power draw be any higher on the USB path of the TP Link has its own power to provide?
My question is - why would the power draw be any higher on the USB path of the TP Link has its own power to provide?