I have a 2nd gen Apple TV, and a 4th gen, both have this problem. On a very frequent basis, such as 6 or so times during the first half of Monday Night Football, last night, the whole stream will freeze, or the audio will be fine, but video freezes. If I stop the stream, and restart it, it will work fine, for a while, but it happens very frequently.
I don't have the fastest internet connection, 30 mbps down, but I don't have any problems with other apps, such as Netflix, or even other live sporting events outside of ESPN. FoxSportsGo works fine with live events, so the issue is ESPN specific. Anyone else have this issue?
I don't have the fastest internet connection, 30 mbps down, but I don't have any problems with other apps, such as Netflix, or even other live sporting events outside of ESPN. FoxSportsGo works fine with live events, so the issue is ESPN specific. Anyone else have this issue?