like im anticipating my watch too much, hard for me to get to sleep, i wake up check order status and nothing has updated and its a vicious cycle and i feel groggy from not enough slep
like im anticipating my watch too much, hard for me to get to sleep, i wake up check order status and nothing has updated and its a vicious cycle and i feel groggy from not enough slep
Because of a watch? Not even if it was going to make me breakfast and perform special services I wouldn't be able to tell the wife about
I couldn't afford such a watch of course because I'm just a poor boy.
You're not getting any sympathy.
Yeah, he's not getting any sympathy because the guy is easy come, easy go and he's also a little high and a little low....typical troll.
i'm having trouble sleeping but because of all the papers i have to write...
Sounds like the original poster is on the verge of having a mental breakdown. Next thing you know, he'll be crying out for his Mama saying he killed a man.
like im anticipating my watch too much, hard for me to get to sleep, i wake up check order status and nothing has updated and its a vicious cycle and i feel groggy from not enough slep