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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 27, 2016
Hi everyone,

I "hope" someone here can help with this. I have a number of videos that I have saved to my hard drive from a Japanese streaming site that my wife watches using their proprietary software. I can play back the videos using their software, but would rather figure out how to save the videos in a standard .mp4 format so I can easily watch them on my television instead of the computer. The files are some kind of streamed format saved in a p2ps_video_cache directory with a ton of nonsense folders inside and no apparent video files to be found.

Does anyone know how this kind of cached streamed video can be converted to a standard video format? I tried using VLC to open the folders but couldn't make that work.

Thanks for any advice.

Those are Peer-to-peer caching files and will normally only be temporary. So even if you could open them it most likely wouldn't be the entire clip anyway. But that's one of the reasons why it's used: for copywrite protection.
Those are Peer-to-peer caching files and will normally only be temporary. So even if you could open them it most likely wouldn't be the entire clip anyway. But that's one of the reasons why it's used: for copywrite protection.
So….no, you don’t know how to convert them then….
So….no, you don’t know how to convert them then….

I guess you didn't understand that more likely than not there is nothing to convert. Caches are temporary.

Simple math: how long is a clip and how large are the cache files? Shall we bet whether the size in anywhere near what it should be?

And yes, I'd say a screen recording is most likely the easiest and best if not the only way to go, too.
THE PROGRAMS ARE ALREADY ARCHIVED BY THE MEDIA VIEWER PROGRAM AND I CAN WATCH THEM 100 TIMES IF I WANT. What I am asking is “does anyone know a way to convert this non standard weird format” so my wife can watch her japanese tv programs on our tv instead of her sitting in front of the laptop. The program PROVIDED by the company to watch THEIR programs allows you to archive them to watch later.

No “piracy” involved

No “dissapearing streamed media” involved

A simple media conversion that I guess is impossible
I've seen audio samples for virtual instruments that were in some sort of proprietary format (not a simple thing to do) that couldn't be converted so it's not really that unusual.

These days I use OBS to do screen/window recordings and with Ventura no third-party audio software like BlackHole is required to also record the accompanying sound.
You can't. They are encrypted to prevent copyright theft. Only the provided app has the key to decode them. It's the same when you download Netflix shows from their app. You can try screen capture, but if their app is smart enough it will prevent the screen from being recorded. I guess buying a cable to connect the computer with the TV is the best choice.
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You can't. They are encrypted to prevent copyright theft. Only the provided app has the key to decode them. It's the same when you download Netflix shows from their app. You can try screen capture, but if their app is smart enough it will prevent the screen from being recorded. I guess buying a cable to connect the computer with the TV is the best choice.
Thanks for the info!
I'm positive there is a way to do's just nobody here knows how to do it and give the easy out "it can't be done" reply...I'll look to a more savvy forum on some other website...
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