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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 19, 2010
Hey guys,

I have a zmodo camera system at work and would like to view it on my MacBook. From what I understand, it needs Internet explorer and activex to run. Obviously Mac doesn't do IE, so does anyone know of a way to view the cameras from my mac?


Madd the Sane

macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

Unless there's a Netscape-capable plug-in, you're out of luck. Unless there's another client program out there.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 19, 2010
This is actually for my dad. He has a MacBook and doesn't want to put a virtual machine on it. He also doesn't want to use boot camp. He's trying to avoid windows. Is there any other way?


macrumors newbie
Oct 17, 2011
Unfortunately, I don't think there is. I wanted to avoid windows also but the zmodo system kinda forced me to do it.

If he owns an iPad or iPhone, there is an app called ASee+. It will let you view them cams on Wifi or anywhere via 3G. It doesn't support the playback though, just live feeds.


macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2005
Hey guys,

I have a zmodo camera system at work and would like to view it on my MacBook. From what I understand, it needs Internet explorer and activex to run. Obviously Mac doesn't do IE, so does anyone know of a way to view the cameras from my mac?


There are several iApps that will view the stream, so it doesn't *require* active-x. It requires it for the web-based viewer, but NOT for the "media" viewer apps that you can get for the ipad etc.

So there MUST be a way to view it from a mac, maybe no one's written the software to do it yet, but obviously apps like mEye don't have windows or even active-x in them. They're most likely basic standard format stream viewers with a handshake front end on them.

I also got the zmodo 4 ch dvr recently (off woot) and would like to be able to view it on my mac. I was expecting to be able to use a stream viewing app like VLC but can't find the right settings. VLC has a dropdown menu to select the device, and of the ~70 in the list, zmodo isn't there, and I haven't had the patience to try them all. I did shotgun a few with no luck. If you decide to play with it, be sure you are connecting to the "Mobile" port on your zmodo, NOT the web or the media ports. Click on the Mobile pref to get into that different area on the DVR to configure the media port and set a username/password. (the port and user/pass are separate things from the web interface, and also you will need to reboot the zmodo after changing them, whether or not it tells you do)

If you figure this out, please let us know. Or, if you happen to find more information such as the network protocol format used on the Mobile port, please post it or links, I may be able to make something up, I do some coding. The information's gotta be out there somewhere, mEye is able to connect immediately and never even asks me what model of network video source I have, so there must be a basic standard in use, I just can't find ANY information on the network protocol online. I assume it's one of a handful of common codecs (h.234'ish or motion jpeg etc) but there's obviously some handshaking taking place and exchange of user/pass also and that's the part I really need to get anywhere.


macrumors newbie
Feb 7, 2012
For those of you who are wondering i can answer on this topic for you. Zmodo has just released a 4 Channel CCTV Security DVR Camera System No Hard Drive offered by CCTV Cameras Inc or you can buy direct from Zmodo Store. The model is PKD-DK40107
and comes with free shipping.:)

Ok i will take back my last quote as the new Zmodo NVR's will be shown at the ISC West Security and Surveillance show in Vegas this month. Also i hear the cost will be around the same and the current DVR's. NVR systems will come in 4, 8, and 16 Channel but will network from a different location. These will work with any MAC computer, Ipad or Iphone. Smile all you Apple lovers


macrumors newbie
Feb 15, 2013
Asee works great and easy install! Thanks JDM61!

Thank you to JDM61 for the info on the Asee app. I downloaded it for free and set it up in minutes! Unbelievably easy!
I knew all the parameters since I was able to view on my smartphone. So, all I did was plug them into the Asee app and it worked perfectly.
I was going crazy searching the Zmodo site and had given up. They stated that you would have to use an older version of Safari, which I didn't want to do.
Thanks again,


macrumors newbie
Feb 15, 2013
More problems

OK, as far as compatibility with MAC, it seems that it depends on which Zmodo DVR you are using.
I have successfully used the ASEE app with the Zmodo H9104V DVR, but can't seem to get it to work with the Zmodo H9118V DVR. I can view it fine on my smart phone through my home network and remotely on 4G.
I tried, without success, all the free programs available for my iMac at the App store.
I would pay for one, if I knew it will work.
Any ideas?


macrumors regular
Jan 9, 2013
I tried ASee, and it didn't work for me, unfortunately. So I installed BlueStacks, which is an Android emulation program. Then inside of it, I installed IP Cam Viewer, like I have on my phone. I'd still like to find a native app for my Macs, but this will work until I do.
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