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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 2, 2011
Lincolnshire, IL
Not the native resolution, but "looks like" resolution you can set at the setting in retina?

I'm wondering if M1 Pro and Max MBP are offering a new reolsution option if any compared to preivous M1 MBP 13 and/or MBP 16" 2019.
I'm curious about this too because I currently have a 15" mid 2018 MBP but looking to upgrade ideally to the 14" but retain similar "space" on my desktop as I do music production and design.
Someone else has posted this...

16-inch MacBook Pro

  • Looks like 2056 x 1329
  • Default: Looks like 1728 x 1117
  • Looks like 1496 x 967
  • Looks like 1312 x 848
  • Looks like 1168 x 755
14-inch MacBook Pro

  • Looks like 1800 x 1169
  • Default: Looks like 1512 x 982
  • Looks like 1352 x 878
  • Looks like 1147 x 745
  • Looks like 1024 x 665
  • Like
Reactions: jinnyman
How does the notch / top menu bar work with these resolutions? Does the menu bar become thicker (in terms of pixels) when you increase resolution? Since the notch height is fixed right?
How does the notch / top menu bar work with these resolutions? Does the menu bar become thicker (in terms of pixels) when you increase resolution? Since the notch height is fixed right?
I answered my own question, at the 11:00 mark:
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