I just changed to the default setting while reading your reply. I see what you mean about having more real estate but it's not as easy to read what's on the screen. I bumped it up one while typing this reply. I think I can live with this setting. I might go back to the other one though.
I mean, yeah. I sit 10 inches from mine probably...I'm about 2 1/2' away from the screen.
Last time I had my eyes check which admittedly was a couple years ago I had a little better than 20/20 and the native text size on 1440p was annoyingly small. I could read it but required effort, or something, hard to explain. A simple ctrl + made it better without losing the screen real estate for multitasking.
The default text size for most UI elements on a 1440p panel (27") is somewhere around 11, 12point text. That's about the size of text people normally use on print