EyeTV App.
The HDHome I had bought didn't come with any software. Since i already
had EyeTV installed on all of my Mac's I didn't want the EyeTV software
because it would have been unnecessary and have made the HDHomeRun
more expensive.
I'm not familiar with HDHomeRun "Prime" so I can't comment on that.
Sorry, don't have a clue how it would work in Denmark.
I don't use an iPad either so.........I do use a MacBook Air
and its a lot slower spec wise than my mini but works and
streams just fine. Their are no stutters to speak of while
watching EyeTV using the signal over my WiFi network.
As far as the CPU's used I can only say that on my newish
mini and Air its not anywhere near as bad as when I was
using EyeTV with an older Intel Core2Duo min and PPC
iMac. Actually EyeTV doesn't affect CPU usage much,
anymore. Your millage may vary, of course.
Hope I've been (somewhat) helpful.
In Europe I can get the HDHomeRun for 105 euros and I am guessing I could use my already purchased Elgato IOS app to view TV on my ipad? As I already do using an Elgato Hybrid as tuner. I have already forwarded the relevant ports so I can watch TV on my Ipad when away from home (though my MacMini needs to be running).
The free Elgato HDHomeRun app features only on their North American website and states that a HDHomeRun Prime is required, as is Windows...
I have found a guide for setting up the HDHomerun with EyeTV and my Danish cable tv provider, so it might just be possible.
How is the quality when streaming from a HDHomerun to an iPad?
Now I am relying on an Elgato Turbo hd.264 to assist the MacMini when streaming, as this requires quite som cpu power especially with HD channels, and the fans on my Mini (core i7) kicks into high gear, making lots of noise if I try streaming without the Turbo...