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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 10, 2011
I’m looking at buying an unlimited data plan for my daughters iPad. I was looking online and there are some “grandfathered unlimited plans “ but I also see for as low as $4.50 unlimited pay as you go plans with AT&T for $29.99 a month. So my question is are these new $4.50 $29.99 plans a scam or are they for real ?? Very confusing
Lower price and full satisfaction

Fast response and delivery

I make little to save you a lot with this rare unlimited data plan

A sim card is NOT included in the listing

You will need to have a new, not yet activated AT&T brand 3-in-1 4G LTE SIM card ready. You can buy one online or at Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc. (see images for examples of eligible sim cards). Type a 20-digit SIM card number in ebay messages if you want to check it. I will not recommend buying any other compatible sim cards as they do cause minor connection and/or speed issues.

This listing sells an account for the AT&T unlimited 4G LTE data plan.

Please leave a note about your Sim card number (ICCID), Name, Address, Email, and Phone number when you check out, these are required information to put on your potential account. It will be delayed to create an account for you if you don't provide them timely. I will send login information in your ebay messages as soon as an account is signed up, usually in minutes. You follow instructions to update your credit card information and choose the right data plan to start.

The plan service fee is NOT included in this listing. You will pay plan fee $29.99 monthly directly to AT&T with no contract and no credit check, you can cancel it anytime.

For the plan information, see image 2.

All APN settings will be sent to your ebay messages.

I have the skills to solve almost any problems in this specific field. After you buy the listing, I will continue to provide excellent after-sale service with quick responses and good solutions that some customers have experienced. If you want to chat with me, text in your ebay messages. Since nobody knows everything in the mobile area, the chatting would be just for information exchange.
I’m looking at buying an unlimited data plan for my daughters iPad. I was looking online and there are some “grandfathered unlimited plans “ but I also see for as low as $4.50 unlimited pay as you go plans with AT&T for $29.99 a month. So my question is are these new $4.50 $29.99 plans a scam or are they for real ?? Very confusing

You can buy 4G AT&T SIMs from eBay or bring your own device SIMs from Best Buy or Wal-Mart, probably from other places. Just be sure you purchase you plan from AT&T Buy A Session to get that $29.99 plan. My local store knew nothing about session-based plans and saddled me with a $25 for 1 G plan on a different tablet even after I told them what I wanted.
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Wow I didn’t know that I could buy an unlimited plan from AT&T. I stopped by one of the stores and asked and they told me they didn’t have unlimited data plans anymore unless I was grandfathered in. So what’s the difference in the old grandfathered unlimited and the new unlimited data plan??
I have no idea what the difference is, other than that the DataConnect/BuyASession plan is currently available and the other plan is not. Store personal seem to have no idea about these plans. Get a SIM (not from the AT&T store) and buy the plan online.


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I switched to T-Mobile from AT&T because I have a family plan and T-Mobile saved me a lot of money. With the money saved I was able to add an iPad unlimited plan for $20 per month (which I was still saving money) but that is only if you have a phone data plan with them. I was told if you wanted a standalone plan for the iPad it would be $65 and they only have unlimited.
I switched to T-Mobile from AT&T because I have a family plan and T-Mobile saved me a lot of money. With the money saved I was able to add an iPad unlimited plan for $20 per month (which I was still saving money) but that is only if you have a phone data plan with them. I was told if you wanted a standalone plan for the iPad it would be $65 and they only have unlimited.

I have both the AT&T unlimited plan for $29.99 and the T-Mo 5 GB/$10/5 months (I think that’s what the months is supposed to be but mine isn’t showing that expiration). If I had T-Mo service at our camp, that’s the plan I’d use except maybe in Nov/Dec/Jan when we are at our camp a good bit and I might use more data. Otherwise, the T-Mo standalone plan (which is available using the eSIM on my iPP 11”) would work nicely for me.

The T-Mo coverage map says our camp is covered, but it may not work in buildings. I haven’t tried my iPad outside our camper (which is under a pole barn with a metal roof) but I probably will the next time we are there to see if the metal roof is the problem.
Wow I didn’t know that I could buy an unlimited plan from AT&T. I stopped by one of the stores and asked and they told me they didn’t have unlimited data plans anymore unless I was grandfathered in. So what’s the difference in the old grandfathered unlimited and the new unlimited data plan??

I wish I could help you with the exacts but let me just say this... There IS a difference. My wife and I both have the grandfathered AT$T unlimited plans on our iPhones and iPads. My 9 year old daughter has the current AT$T unlimited plan on her iPad.

We are heavy data users and the grandfathered plans stream video at a better rate. It's really only noticeable once we hit higher gigs of usage.

I wish I could give you better tech specs. There are thread here on MR that cover it in better detail and google will pull up threads if you google the difference. Wish I could help more.

I will say this.. I'm not complaining about the current plans.. just stating they are different from the grandfathered ones.
I use the newer att unlimited plan and average about 100gb of data a month, I've never felt any throttling because I am never in a network congested area.
I have the old unlimited plan and am currently on the current unlimited plan. I have not been able to see any differences in speed or performance between the two plans. I have never seen my speeds slow once i go past the 22gb usage per month. I use on average 60gb per month on my ipad.
I’m looking at buying an unlimited data plan for my daughters iPad. I was looking online and there are some “grandfathered unlimited plans “ but I also see for as low as $4.50 unlimited pay as you go plans with AT&T for $29.99 a month. So my question is are these new $4.50 $29.99 plans a scam or are they for real ?? Very confusing

I just started using AT&T pre-paid with my iPad Pro 11”

It cost 30$ bucks a month

I’ve used over 35GB in about a week so far, and I just checked again and it is faster than ever!

Incredible value! I live in the country, so my area may not ever be congested.

Either way! Great value!

It is easy for att to offer an unlimited plan if your speed is always dropping below 0.1mbps and your webpages and apps hang because they are not receiving packets. Sure its unlimited, an unlimited tiny dribble.
Yes, the pre paid $30 ATT iPad plan is real and legit.

Also, there is a $20 car connected unlimited plan you can get but it is post paid. You would need a nano sim sent out instead of micro but you can technically get unlimited for $20 a month.

I have two of these lines.
It is easy for att to offer an unlimited plan if your speed is always dropping below 0.1mbps and your webpages and apps hang because they are not receiving packets. Sure its unlimited, an unlimited tiny dribble.

Stop spouting BS you know nothing of. Plenty of people use that plan and download hundreds of gigabytes per month. There really is very little deprioritization and there will only be any if the tower you are on get super congested.

a lot of people use these as home internet plans. They report that even when they are deprioritized they can still stream HD content with no buffering.
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It is easy for att to offer an unlimited plan if your speed is always dropping below 0.1mbps and your webpages and apps hang because they are not receiving packets. Sure its unlimited, an unlimited tiny dribble.

I’m using att unlimited pre-paid, my internet speed test is anywhere from 70-100mbps.

I’ve used 35.1GB so far in about a week.

I think it is great! No slow downs, and I keep reading about people using anywhere from 100-300gb per month without throttling.
Stop spouting BS you know nothing of. Plenty of people use that plan and download hundreds of gigabytes per month. There really is very little deprioritization and there will only be any if the tower you are on get super congested.

a lot of people use these as home internet plans. They report that even when they are deprioritized they can still stream HD content with no buffering.
Alas, as with real estate, it's all about location, location, location.
We have been sharing an unlimited plan for about 8 devices (phones, tablets, and my watch) for a while, and this is one of the newer unlimited plans. We are supposed to get throttled after 22 gb per device (although where we live, it doesn’t always happen).

A big difference in new plans and grandfathered plans is the inability to use unlimited hotspot - we are limited to 10 (maybe 15 now because I just bumped it recently) gbs of hotspot per device.
I’m looking at buying an unlimited data plan for my daughters iPad. I was looking online and there are some “grandfathered unlimited plans “ but I also see for as low as $4.50 unlimited pay as you go plans with AT&T for $29.99 a month. So my question is are these new $4.50 $29.99 plans a scam or are they for real ?? Very confusing
We are in the cusp of 5G Data. I would seriously think twice about 4G Unlimited Data Plans.
some of the unlimited data plans limit the performance of the "HotSpot" or tethering
We are in the cusp of 5G Data. I would seriously think twice about 4G Unlimited Data Plans.

Whenever 4G first came out it took years for it to become mainstream. It wasn’t until recently we’ve now reached maturity and we get LTE just about anywhere, I can name a few carriers at every single one of my previous addresses that barely could get 3G service. Mostly T-Mobile, and Sprint are the worst if you live outside a major city.

I’m gonna say in maybe 2-3 years we will get 5G in your average area.

If you live in a major city, sure you may get 5G. But, you’ll also get throttled speeds with network congestion along with it.

AT&T and Verizon seem to always get LTE just about anywhere!

But really, who cares if a device doesn’t support 5G. I won’t see it for a while. Plus, getting 100MBPS is plenty fast for being out in the country and in the middle of no where on a mobile device.

When 5G comes out, it’ll be awesome! But, it’s just like any new technology. Buying in early does nothing for you. There are 8K pc monitors available now, but even the best video cards, up until just recently couldn’t even maintain 60 frames per second at on a 4K monitor.
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If you live in a major city, sure you may get 5G. But, you’ll also get throttled speeds with network congestion along with it.

When 5G comes out, it’ll be awesome! But, it’s just like any new technology. Buying in early does nothing for you. There are 8K pc monitors available now, but even the best video cards, up until just recently couldn’t even maintain 60 frames per second at on a 4K monitor.
If one finds a device they like that supports 5G, being an early adopter is actually quite helpful if one lives/works in a major city. I remember getting 20-30Mbps down/5Mbps up on LTE on my iPhone 5 (first iPhone with LTE support). Alas, I'm lucky if I get 5Mbps/1Mbps nowadays.
If one finds a device they like that supports 5G, being an early adopter is actually quite helpful if one lives/works in a major city. I remember getting 20-30Mbps down/5Mbps up on LTE on my iPhone 5 (first iPhone with LTE support). Alas, I'm lucky if I get 5Mbps/1Mbps nowadays.

If the device has it, and they live in an area where 5G is supported sure.

But for me, I live in the country and always have lived just outside of major cities. So, I don’t see 5G coming for years. It’ll just be one of those things I will hear people rave about lol, until that day finally comes when I look up at the top right of my display, years after its glamor has worn off and I see the letters “5G” lol. And I go holy crap!

I honestly feel lucky that I get super fast LTE with all of the data I need at my disposal so far.

I have absolutely no home DSL available, no home cable internet available in my area either. So, satellite internet is the only option. And my LTE cellular pre-paid just blows its doors off in the speed department, and data usage too.
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