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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 3, 2011
As I wait for my BB delivery today, I see a ton of beachball, had to rebuild machine etc.... and to expect that ?

Anyone just work without needing to re-image ?


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2014
So I should re-image it ? Is that what you did ?

Just wait for whatever process to complete. You can add however many steps to the process, or just have coffee and a donut.

Apple has gotten better with launch day devices. My latest iDevices (iPad Air 2, iPhone 6, rMBP 13 and rMB 12) were all purchased launch weekend and have been absolutely perfect.


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
Mine is flawless. I did erase and reinstall OS X from Internet Recovery (cmd + option + r) but I am a belt and suspenders sort of person. The build quality on this is exceptional, better than any other Mac laptop I've owned. Yes, there are a few reports of flaws - someone had uneven keyboard backlighting and there was a machine reported DOA. These things happen - I would not be worried.


macrumors regular
Jun 13, 2009
As I wait for my BB delivery today, I see a ton of beachball, had to rebuild machine etc.... and to expect that ?

Anyone just work without needing to re-image ?

I did not have any issues but also for this machine I'm not using firevault.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2012
As I wait for my BB delivery today, I see a ton of beachball, had to rebuild machine etc.... and to expect that ?

Anyone just work without needing to re-image ?

Yes mine. Just wait for the beach ball to finish. It took mine at least 15 minutes, but probably even longer. It will finish.


macrumors 6502
Mar 20, 2015
Mine had/has no flaws. 1.2/512 model in Space Grey. I did enable FileVault at setup, and experienced zero delays, hangs or beach balls. I've not had any problems whatsoever. Mine came with10.10.2, so I upgraded after initial setup. That too went well.

Don't forget that often these forums are like the ER...people often come because they've got problems. There are likely many, many trouble free users who are happily computing away, and whom you simply don't hear from.

There's hope!
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2009
Mine is flawless... and believe me I've been looking for flaws. Everything from the display to the keyboard to software, no issues whatsoever.


As I wait for my BB delivery today, I see a ton of beachball

One thing I've learned is skip connecting to the Internet during the initial setup process. Connect only after you get to the desktop. No beachballs.


macrumors member
Nov 9, 2009
I had an issue with the transfer of data from my TM backup. I saw "3 minutes remaining" for 45 minutes.

I am happy I was patient and the last application section transferred without problem.

I was very close to aborting the process and doing it manually - glad I waited.

The keyboard and screen are superb - very happy. Fit and finish are perfect.

SG base model.



macrumors 68000
Jul 2, 2010
I've had no issues of note. I didn't turn on file vault until I had the computer for a few days, after I did the OS X update. I turned file vault on and went to bed, so I don't know what happened over night, but everything was fine the next morning.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2012
Just for clarity, you didn't wind up with two user accounts?

Correct. I just sat and waited. It may have been sitting at the FileVault for 30 minutes to be totally honest. I was on a conference call and it ran while I was in the conference call. More than 15 minutes, but less than an hour.

ME Nick

macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2009
Mine is flawless. I did erase and reinstall OS X from Internet Recovery (cmd + option + r) but I am a belt and suspenders sort of person. The build quality on this is exceptional, better than any other Mac laptop I've owned. Yes, there are a few reports of flaws - someone had uneven keyboard backlighting and there was a machine reported DOA. These things happen - I would not be worried.

When you did the Internet Recovery, did you first go into the Disk Utility to reformat the hard drive? Or did you just reinstall OSX from the start?


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
Correct. I just sat and waited. It may have been sitting at the FileVault for 30 minutes to be totally honest. I was on a conference call and it ran while I was in the conference call. More than 15 minutes, but less than an hour.

I gave it about 10 minutes and decided that administering capital punishment would be swift and completely effective. ;)


macrumors 68020
Jan 30, 2008
Washington DC
I had the beach ball stall on the Vault page. I just shut down the computer and restarted it. Everything has been smooth since. However, I did not back up my computer. I like to use each laptop from scratch.


macrumors 68030
Sep 24, 2013
As I wait for my BB delivery today, I see a ton of beachball, had to rebuild machine etc.... and to expect that ?

Anyone just work without needing to re-image ?
How many complaints equal a ton? My space grey 512GB came to life flawlessly I used file vault, no double user accounts, took about 20 minutes including 10.10.3. Now my work supplied I7 Surface Pro 3 took almost 2 hours to come to life with 68 updates, in 4 days my Macbook has downloaded 2 updates, 10.10.3 and a supplemental update.. I received mine on Tuesday. Thursday I started to have a couple of software glitches but the new software update fixed them. So far they have not returned. I'm a type that thinks the designers and engineers are smarter than me. So I don't so any extra tweaking, erase and restore, re-image, etc, etc unless it is needed. Mine didn't, YMMV


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
Windows Update. I am actually a strong proponent of Windows 8.1 but omigosh, the carnage and delay involved with a fresh installation is unbelievable. :(


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2013
I had to do the reinstall (cmd+R) but it was fast enough. Other than that, works great.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 3, 2011

Just got it.

Turned on, Flashed battery 4%, powered on again, started setup.

Currently beach balling on create account....really apple ?


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2007
Rochester, NY
No issues during initial setup, however I have not enabled File Vault. Read enough posts over the last few days to know not to turn that on during setup. I'll enabled it and let it run overnight.
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