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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 29, 2013
The Teamviewer popup at session end bugs me. I Googled on it for awhile but nothing. Any settings mentioned seem to target older versions. Not my V9. Their model is broke. Missing out on a lot of money. I would gladly pay $20 bucks to remove it. But my options are either deal with or pay $700 something. Stupid.

I really wanted to like one of the others but each have one or more problems that I can't deal with. Remotix was by far and away the fastest of all of them tested (and i tested all), but for the life of me i couldn't figure out how to configure it correctly to use outside my house - port forwarding and all that mess.

So for now I am going with Teamviwer in lue of the Logmein debacle. But I just need to remove this popup.
Here is a working solution on windows. Maybe someone can figure out how to port this to mac.

Wierdest thing now I can't seem to make it popup lol in order to test various settings.

Anyway to remove the window that opens in the right side of dock each time?

Maybe i found a solution. The popup was popping up after each open and close session yesterday. Now not once. The only thing I changed was I disabled auto log out of computer at session end. Maybe that did it?
OK. Finally getting somewhere. there are 4 different popup/windows/icons that teamviwer shows. 5 including there menubar one.

1. menubar icon (keep that one)
2. icon in dock
3. panel that opens in right side of dock upon connection
4. panel in top right that slides in and out of view with click
5. popup and end of session

These are the reasons why I don't like team viewer. 5 windows! Redick. I have figured out how to remove two of them so far. 2 to go. In order to remove the dock items (icon and panel) follow this tut. You do that they are gone. Unless you want to see them in which case just say show teramviewer in menubar icon.

Or you can remove the panel alone in the right side dock by adding team viewer to login items in users and groups and clicking it so it is hidden on login.
HA HA HA! I am so obsessive lol. I have figured out how to kill all the windows that team viewer pops up. ALL 4 OF THEM! Including the popup at the end of the session that says sponsored session and thanks for playing fair. Don't you want to know... I will write a tut on it on my site. But ill have to post a self sponsoring link for you to see it.
HA HA HA! I am so obsessive lol. I have figured out how to kill all the windows that team viewer pops up. ALL 4 OF THEM! Including the popup at the end of the session that says sponsored session and thanks for playing fair. Don't you want to know... I will write a tut on it on my site. But ill have to post a self sponsoring link for you to see it.

Do you mind sharing this with us? I am really interested to remove this bothering sponsored popup.
Do you mind sharing this with us? I am really interested to remove this bothering sponsored popup.

Here ya go bud! My logmein doesn't work so good still yet since they updated it. This is not because of my work arounds either as I have done a clean install. I'm sure they will fix it soon enough though so I will hold onto it in hopes they do. Anyway here is how to remove all of them...
Here ya go bud! My logmein doesn't work so good still yet since they updated it. This is not because of my work arounds either as I have done a clean install. I'm sure they will fix it soon enough though so I will hold onto it in hopes they do. Anyway here is how to remove all of them...

Link doesn't work anymore.

Anyone know how to stop this popup? I use the Mac Mini as a media server for the house and client for Plex in the living room. I remote into it from work to carry out some tasks when I should be working :) This popup being on the screen is annoying when I get home and want to watch stuff on Plex.
Link doesn't work anymore.

Anyone know how to stop this popup? I use the Mac Mini as a media server for the house and client for Plex in the living room. I remote into it from work to carry out some tasks when I should be working :) This popup being on the screen is annoying when I get home and want to watch stuff on Plex.

I don't know if that solution works anymore. But save yourself the hastel and use parallels access or remotix. Both the best option when I looked and I still use both with zero issue.
I don't know if that solution works anymore. But save yourself the hastel and use parallels access or remotix. Both the best option when I looked and I still use both with zero issue.

Will these work going from Windows PC to Mac?
Will these work going from Windows PC to Mac?

I don't know. I'm all apple.

having to click each time does bother me. Trust me just give up the 20 bucks for parallel access and you will love it. It's prob the best of the bunch. trust me I went through them all. Right?! isn't that what everyone looks for when skimming threads? someone that just says trust me follow me. your welcome
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If you are going Mac to Mac why are you not using Apple's "Screen Sharing?" Free, built in and not ads/popups/etc.
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