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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 17, 2012
I want to create a script that will make a noise or say something whenever a user goes to Can someone help me with this? I have searched but cannot find an example.


Mark FX

macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2011
West Sussex, UK
Try this Applescript code below.

property runningApps : {} as list
property SafariRunning : false as boolean

on run
	tell application "System Events"
		set runningApps to name of every application process whose visible is equal to true
	end tell
	if runningApps contains "Safari" then
		set SafariRunning to true
		my checkForFacebook() --Call the checkForFacebook Handler
		set SafariRunning to false
	end if
end run

to checkForFacebook()
	if SafariRunning is equal to true then
		tell application "Safari"
			set currentTab to current tab of window 1
			set tabName to name of currentTab
			set tabURL to URL of currentTab
		end tell
		if tabName contains "facebook" or tabURL contains "facebook" then
			set volume (3.5) --set the Volume level between 0 and 7
			beep --Alert Beep
			delay 0.5 --Delay between Beep and Speech
			--Speak the Alert Text you want with one of the installed voices
			say "Facebook page open in the Safari application." using "Alex"
		end if
	end if
end checkForFacebook

on idle
	tell application "System Events"
		set runningApps to name of every application process whose visible is equal to true
		if runningApps contains "Safari" then
			set SafariRunning to true
			my checkForFacebook() --Call the checkForFacebook Handler
			set SafariRunning to false
		end if
	end tell
	return 5 --Set the number of seconds between facebook page checks
end idle

on quit
	set runningApps to {}
	set SafariRunning to false
	continue quit
end quit

Copy and paste this code into the Applescript Editor, then very important, save
the file as an application and check the stay open option box, it will only work
as a stay open applet, as all of the work is done in the on Idle handler.

You could change the return time in seconds from the on idle handler, I have
set it to check every 5 seconds.
Also you can change the speech text to what you want, and also the output
volume too, there is more work you could do on this script but as it stands
it works fine.

You will have to double click the app to make it run, and you will also have to
quit it as well, but once it is running it will check that Safari is running, and
check every 5 seconds that a facebook page is opened.

Hope this helps.

Regards Mark
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