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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 21, 2012
Suffolk UK

I have had an Apple Watch for just a few days and am getting used to the great features.

I have reached the stage where I want to download a 3rd party app, but seem totally unable to do so.

When I open the Watch app on my iPhone 5S the "home screen" has 4 icons at the bottom, My Watch, Explore, Featured and Search. The My Watch one is lit up, if I touch Featured to try and access the App Store all I get is a completely blank screen with the Featured icon now showing blue. The same happens if I touch Explore or Search.

IPhone is running IOS 9.3.2 and the Watch 2.2.1

Any ideas what is the problem and how to fix please?


macrumors 6502
Jul 5, 2008
Something has been going on with the App Store over the weekend. I couldn't access the search results, top Charts or the items in my wish list. I tried restarting the phone and the app, but it didn't help.

Today I continued having that same problem, but once I restarted the app (swipe it out in the multitask menu, then restart) it all started working fine. Try doing the same with the watch app.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 21, 2012
Suffolk UK
Thanks both, I did a resatrt of the phone, and it didn't seem to make any difference, but I had another look about an hour later and everything was working as it should. I should have tried the restart when I first had the problem.
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