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Just Mark

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
I have an HDHomeRun Tuner on my home network. Prior to getting an Apple TV 4K, I used the native app on my Windows PCs and IOS devices. There is no native App for the ATV. What do you folks use in it's place?

I do have a Plex Server and currently use the Plex App. But, it does take a lot of navigation to get to the live TV on this app and my wife wants something easier.
Channels App is native on ATV and in my opinion the best option. They also have a DVR which is $8 per month and the clients are free. If you do not want their DVR then you would need to pay for the ATV Channels App. At least that is my understanding. I have been using them since the their original beta version.
+1 for Channels app. It's got the best and smoothest UI. The tvOS is pricey, but totally worth it.

Plus the iOS app is currently free. So give it a shot!
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I have two HD Homeruns; a Prime with a cable card to cut out a few rented cable boxes, and I started out with a HD quarto that I started out with. The Quatro is connected to an antenna. I used both programs.

For my my parents Channels is by far the easier and nicer interface. Its most like the TV guides people are used to.

For the DVR function, wait for a deal on a lifetime Plex pass and use Plex as a DVR. It's cheaper than a monthly channels subscription.

Plex has the guide and DVR functions kind of buried. It is not vey intuitive and seems kind of clunky, but it it works well with a Plex server I have running.

The one limitation the Plex DVR has is that it really does not like having two HD Homerun tuners. Certain shows I'd rather record via OTA 0180p than the 720 the cable card puts out. But there is not way to do that, with Plex.

Hopefully more options will come along, but between Chanels and Plex, HD Homerun's work well.
For those who mentioned channels....Great app I just tried it out. I thought I tried this app years ago and didn't like it. It's much better than I expected.

The one part I like about plex though is I can use it anywhere outside of my home (lifetime plex pass).
I use plex and it's great. you can edit the menus. it's 2 clicks to get to live TV after you open the app.
I just looked for edit options in the app and didn't see them. I'll look some more after the news.

The one part I like about plex though is I can use it anywhere outside of my home (lifetime plex pass).
Yea. We have Roku TVs at our vacation house and it is how we get TV while we are there.
Rereading this, there is no reason you can't use both programs, I do.

Some people in the house use Channels as a cable box replacement to watch TV. At the same time the Plex server is chugging away and records shows.

If all the tuners a re busy there will be an issue, but the my "channel" TV's are in the basement and kitchen and are never on at the same time. To think of all the money going to the cable company for all that time those TV's were never used but needed to have a box so I could use them.

I wonder of the new 6 tuner version of the HD Prime will ever come out....
I wonder of the new 6 tuner version of the HD Prime will ever come out....

I bought a refurbished dual tuner on woot in 2012, I have been eyeballing the 4 channel one for a while. most of the time two is fine for me, but if I am recording something I have to decide what's more important. I imagine as cord cutting is getting more popular they will have to increase the options.
The HDHR Quattro is for OTA, that's 4 tuners.

They were supposed to release a new HDHR Prime that works with a Cable Card. The big thing it does is lowers your cable box rental fees.

I suspect that part of the problem may be that Xfinity and other cable companies are moving towards streaming devices. Xfinity has a Roku and I think a FTV streaming app, that essential does what a HDHR and Channel does.

There was a even a rumor on a forum that an Xfinity employee mention an Xfinity ATV app. That has yet to materialize, but not sure why to wouldn't if they are already on Roku.

So a HDHR device that uses a cable card only really gets you the ability to run your own DVR.

These apps are free now, I suspect as time goes on, you will have to pay a monthly fee per device just like yo rent each box. In the mean time it would put a hurt on Silcon Dust and channels.

Moral to the story is buy the hardware now and save while you can, before the cable company find a way around it :)
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